Using the Quick Start Tutorial

If you have not yet signed up for TextMap training, the TextMap Quick Start tutorial will help get you grounded in using the software and working in a case.


The TextMap Quick Start tutorial is designed to help you:

Learn about TextMap's primary features.
Gain an introduction to the tools and features you need to use to create a case and start working in it.
Practice using some of the features using the Hawkins v. Anstar example case provided in TextMap.
Direct you to the help topics and procedures you need to accomplish initial tasks and learn more about TextMap.


hmtoggle_plus1Creating new cases

TextMap cases are created using the New Case Wizard, which guides you through answering all the questions needed to create the file. The New Case Wizard provides you with a default new case template that accommodates most of your data entry needs. The example case, Hawkins v. Anstar, uses a new case template. See Practicing with sample data.

TextMap cases are used by multiple staff. Store the case in a shared location on a network drive so more than one staff member can work on annotating and summarizing depositions and transcripts in the case file at the same time. You can add case staff as users in the New Case Wizard or add them later in the Case Staff dialog box by clicking File > Case Setup > Edit Staff.

Case files are identified by the column icon and have a file extension of .txmap XM_case_file_icon.

See About cases, Creating cases, and Adding users to cases.

hmtoggle_plus1Importing transcripts

You must import transcripts into your new case before you can search and annotate them or cull out facts to send to CaseMap. Import transcript files into TextMap by clicking the Import File(s) option on the File or Transcript menus. Transcripts display in the main Transcript window with page and line numbers displaying in the left margin.

The most common way to import information into TextMap is by importing a file in an ASCII text file. This allows the line numbering and page numbering of the original transcript to be the same as the transcript inside TextMap. See About importing data for a complete listing of files types you can import. See Importing transcripts for more information about the import process.

TextMap Exhibit Packages (created by TextMap® Exhibit Linker) include a transcript, hyperlinks to exhibits mentioned throughout the text, and the linked exhibit documents. You import an Exhibit Package file (*.xmef) just like any other transcript. All the exhibits and exhibit hyperlinks in the transcript are available instantly. See Importing exhibit packages.

You can also import video files like any other transcript in TextMap. When the import is complete the transcript displays in the Transcript List with a video icon that is different than the icon for text-only transcripts. You can search and annotate video transcripts just as you would with other transcripts in the case. See About videos and Importing video files.

hmtoggle_plus1Creating case issues

If you are using TextMap and CaseMap together you can import your issue outline from a corresponding CaseMap case and then create categorizing issues, like Background, that are only used in the corresponding TextMap case. If you are using TextMap as a stand-alone transcript summary tool, you can quickly create an issue outline from scratch. See About case issues and Importing case issues.

In TextMap, all issues are initially set to the default color yellow. You can assign each issue a color so that it can be easily identified when scrolling through the transcript. For instance, you could color code all research items red to be easily recognizable. You can also move topics around in an issues list, arranging issues in a different order. And you can create sub-issues or child issues of the parent issue. See Creating case issues.

Once issues are created and coded by color, you can issue-code annotations. Annotations can be linked to one or more case issues. See About annotations and Creating annotations.

hmtoggle_plus1Searching transcripts, annotations, and linked exhibits

TextMap allows you to quickly search all transcripts, exhibits, documents, annotations, and notes in your case because it automatically creates a case index during the import process.

Searching is performed in the Search pane that displays at the bottom right of TextMap. The Search pane contains two tabs: Word Search and Full Text Search. Search results display within their respective tabs. See About the Search pane.

There are two methods of searching in TextMap:

Basic Word Searches — performing single word searches to locate all instances of the word in transcript text. See Running basic word searches.
Full-Text Searching — performing full-text searches against transcript text, annotations, and exhibits. See About full-text searching and Running full-text searches.

To learn more about searching, see also About searching and Viewing/navigating search results.

hmtoggle_plus1Choosing an annotation mode

TextMap offers three annotation modes to help you simplify the annotation process, depending on how you want to work. Each time you open a case in TextMap, the TextMap Default Annotation Mode dialog box displays, unless you select the Don't show again check box. You can change annotation modes at any time by clicking the Annotation menu and then clicking the desired mode. You can also click on the Annotations button on the toolbar or use the right-click menu. Manual Mode is the default annotation mode.

If you choose Manual Mode (default), each time you annotate text you will have the option to choose which mode you want to use: Annotate in TextMap or Send to CaseMap.
If you choose Auto Annotate in TextMap, the New Annotation dialog box automatically displays each time you highlight transcript text. You can quickly type in notes or link issues and exhibits before you send the passage to CaseMap. See Creating annotations.
If you choose Auto Send to CaseMap mode, the annotated passage will be sent as a new fact to CaseMap and the Send to CaseMap dialog box displays. See Sending facts to CaseMap.

To learn more about switching annotation modes, see About annotations.

hmtoggle_plus1Annotating transcripts

After transcripts have been imported into TextMap, they are ready to be analyzed and annotated. During this process, you will select phrases, sentences and paragraphs, and comment on them. Annotations can be part of a deposition summary report, or passage you want to use as the basis for a fact in CaseMap. You can categorize annotations by case issue and link exhibits to the annotated text. Annotations display in the transcript as yellow (by default). Annotations linked to issues display the color of that issue code. Annotations can be linked to one or more issues. See About annotations and About case issues.

To annotate a transcript, use your mouse to highlight a passage of transcript text, then right-click to select the annotation mode you want to use: Annotate in TextMap or Send Fact to CaseMap. See Creating annotations.

Annotated text displays highlighted in the Transcripts window (center pane) with a sticky note icon in the left margin. The annotation displays as yellow by default or in the color of the linked issue.

Annotations also display in the Annotations pane where they can be sorted and filtered. You can also view annotations in the Annotation Detail pane. See Viewing annotations, Sorting annotations, and Filtering annotations.

Color-coded annotations display in reports in color. Reports can be filtered so only annotations associated with specific issues are included. See Printing annotation reports.

hmtoggle_plus1Reviewing and annotating using the TextMap App for iPad

With TextMap, you can easily review and annotate transcripts on your Apple® iPad®. Download the free TextMap app for iPad from the Apple Store and then email the transcripts you want to review. Simply open the email attachment on your iPad to import the case.

When you are ready to update the master case with your new or edited annotations, simply email them from the iPad. Opening the email attachment will start the import process and prompt you to apply your updates to the master case. TextMap has no limit to the number of case users that can send annotations from their iPads.

Anytime you need the most recent changes to the master case, export the changes and merge them with the changes already on the iPad.

For more information, see About the TextMap app for iPad, Exporting data to an iPad, and Importing data from an iPad.

hmtoggle_plus1Sending facts to CaseMap

We encourage you to use CaseMap from the first day you begin working on a new matter. When you use CaseMap in conjunction with TextMap, you can enter new facts well in advance of having court-appropriate sources for these fact records. And you can always update the existing fact records while working in TextMap. Later, when you find a source for a given fact as you review a transcript, you can update the pre-existing fact.

TextMap is designed so you can optionally perform all basic data entry about a fact in the midst of sending a transcript passage to CaseMap. These options are available in the dialog boxes that display when you send a new fact to CaseMap or update an existing one. For each transcript passage sent to CaseMap, TextMap automatically creates a source that references the transcript and the page and line numbers of the selection. You must have the related CaseMap case already open in order to send transcript annotations from TextMap to CaseMap.

You can tell which annotations have already been sent to CaseMap by checking the Annotations pane at the top of the page. The Linked Fact column has a Yes/No status indicator for each annotation. Annotations with a Yes have been sent to CaseMap. The CaseMap fact automatically links back to the selected passage in the transcript. If the fact has already been sent, a message displays asking if you want to re-send the annotation (it replaces the link to the existing fact).

If you intend to send multiple annotations to CaseMap, consider switching to the Auto Send to CaseMap annotation mode. Click the arrow next to the Annotate in TextMap button or click the Annotations menu, and then click Auto Send to CaseMap. Each time you annotate transcript text the Send to CaseMap dialog box automatically launches, skipping the New Annotation dialog box

See Sending facts to CaseMap and Updating existing facts in CaseMap.

hmtoggle_plus1Linking exhibits to transcripts

Exhibits can be files on your computer, web addresses, and custom links to other document management programs. When you have a file that has been referred to as an exhibit during a transcript, you want that file to be linked wherever that exhibit is referred to in the transcript. You can link to exhibits using either the TextMap Exhibit Linker or the Auto Link Exhibit Wizard. See About exhibits.

Link Exhibit Wizards include:

TextMap Exhibit Linker is used before you import transcripts into a TextMap case. This software is provided to court reporters, vendors, and law firm staff so that they can create TextMap Exhibit Packages (.xmef) which can then be imported into TextMap. These files already have the exhibit links embedded in the transcripts. TextMap also imports the linked exhibit PDFs during the import process. See Using TextMap Exhibit Linker.
The Auto Link Exhibit Wizard is used once you have already imported a transcript into TextMap. With this wizard, you can create a hyperlink to a file on your computer, a web address, or a link to another document management system in all places in the transcript where the exhibit is mentioned. See Linking exhibits to transcripts.

Hyperlinks for exhibit files display in the Exhibits and Video pane in the Exhibits pane for the selected transcript. When you click a page and line reference, TextMap displays that point in the transcript. You can view the exhibit by clicking the hyperlink in the transcript or by right-clicking on the exhibit link in the Exhibits pane and clicking Open. You must have the native application installed on your computer in order to view the file. See Viewing exhibits.

To link exhibits or any other files to a single passage in the transcript, use the New Hyperlink Wizard. See Creating single hyperlinks in transcripts.

hmtoggle_plus1Working with video

You can import video files like any other transcript in TextMap. When the import is complete the transcript displays in the Transcript List with a video icon that is different than the icon for text-only transcripts. For a list of video files you can import, see About videos and Importing video files.

Videos play in TextMap with a cursor scrolling through the text in synch with the video because there are three components working at the same time: a video file (an .mpeg or .wmv), a text file, and a file with synchronization information.

You can search and annotate video transcripts just as you have done with other transcripts in the case. See Annotating videos. In addition, you can use the Edit Video dialog box to make a snippet associated with an annotation a little shorter or longer. See Editing videos.

Before you can play back transcript video in TextMap, you must first have the transcript synchronized with the video. TextMap does not synchronize the video and the transcript for you. Usually your court reporter or videographer can perform the video synchronization service for you. When you schedule a video deposition with court reporters, make sure to ask if they can perform the video synchronization service and provide the synchronized transcript in a format that TextMap can import.

hmtoggle_plus1Creating and printing reports

A report is a way to retrieve information that you imported or entered in your case. TextMap offers many useful reporting options, accessible on the Reports ribbon with single and multiple transcript sub-menus. Many of the reports have wizards to make creating useful work product quick and easy. Transcripts with annotations and linked issues have options for including the selected passages and filtering highlighted passages for desired issues. TextMap automatically creates a word index for all transcripts; you can include it with transcript reports or not.

You can print reports to PDF file or print directly onto paper. You can run reports of only the transcripts, just the annotations, or of both the transcripts and the annotations.

The date and time appears in brackets [ ] in front of the transcript name, and is included in all transcript reports (i.e., Multiple Transcript Report, Annotations Digest Report, etc.).

TextMap includes the following reports:

Single Transcript Report — A simple report made from just one transcript. These reports provide you with the contents of the transcript arranged the way you specify, with the opportunity to select all annotations or annotations related to a specific issue. You can print the contents with or without annotations. You also have the option of printing the word index for that transcript as part of your report. See Printing single transcripts.
Multiple Transcript Report (a.k.a ReportBooks) — A report containing information from more than one transcript is also called a ReportBook. You have the opportunity to choose what transcripts to include in the ReportBook, as well as the option of including a Title Page, Table of Contents, and Introduction. You will have the option to organize transcripts in the order you want them. You also have the same options that you do with a single transcript report. See Printing multiple transcripts.

Annotation Digests are also ReportBooks that can be printed to Microsoft Word. Annotation Digests include the annotations and notes from a set of ReportBooks and can be filtered by issue. See Printing Annotation Digests.

Search Report — The Search Reports is based upon terms you type into the Full Text Search box. The report shows by transcript all locations that contain the search criteria. See Printing a Search report.
Transcripts Listing — A Transcripts Listing provides a list of the transcripts in the case. See Printing the Transcript Listing.

Single and multiple transcript reports can be printed as full-sized, condensed or note-taking versions. Transcripts with Annotations reports allow you to print with Footnotes or Endnotes (full-size or condensed).  See Understanding layout options.

The Transcripts with Annotations report, Transcripts with Linked Exhibits report (and no annotations), and Annotation Digest reports allow you to print to a PDF format that includes linked exhibits embedded in the transcript. See Selecting print output options.

For more information, see About reports.

hmtoggle_plus1Taking TextMap on the road

Create replica cases for staff who need to work from home or access a case during court or offsite depositions. Replica cases include access to linked files and exhibits, with the exception of Web sites and links to files in a document management systems.

When case users go on the road, they can take a replica along and make additions and updates to case records. While these individuals work in replicas, case staff back in the office can still make changes to the master case. When the replica is returned or emailed to the office, the latest content can be synchronized into the master case.

With TextMap, a replica can be synchronized repeatedly with the master case — without creating duplicate transcripts and annotations. This allows users on the road to email replicas back to the main office for synchronization each time significant updates are made, while continuing to work in the replica.

All replica names (local and SQL versions) must be unique. Creating a replica of a TextMap case is an exclusive process. Case staff cannot access the master case during this process.

For more information, see About replicating/synchronizing cases and Creating replica cases.


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