Creating annotations

Annotations are easily applied to transcripts simply by selecting the text you want highlighted. Annotated text displays in color on the transcript in the default color of yellow. If you want to add an annotation to text that is already highlighted, simply select text over an existing annotation and continue dragging your mouse pointer until you have all text you want highlighted. The overlapping annotation will display in yellow (by default) unless you choose to link it to another color-coded issue. Annotations linked to issues display the color of that issue code.

Overlapping annotations display colored, vertical bars to the right of the transcript text with each bar spanning the length of the selected text. Each colored bar is stacked beside the next so you can easily see where one annotation starts and the next one begins.

Overlapping annotation bars can also be printed in both full-size and condensed reports, as well as single or multiple transcript and end note options. In reports, colored annotation bars display to the left of the transcript text up to 1/4 inch. This feature is turned on by default, but can turned off in the Annotations tab in the Page Setup dialog box.

A paperclip icon displays in the left margin of the transcript to indicate that those annotations have a linked file associated with them.

If color annotations are too hard on your eyes during transcript review, you can hide the highlights during the review session. You can still identify where annotations occur in the transcript by the yellow note icon in the transcript gutter. Toggle this feature on or off from the View menu by clicking Highlight Annotations.



If you color-code an issue black, the transcript text will appear as redacted in a printed hard copy. The text is still available for viewing in a PDF if the selection is copied to the Clipboard and pasted into another application for viewing.


hmtoggle_plus1To manually create annotations
1.Perform any necessary searches needed to locate transcript text.
2.In the TextMap window, highlight the transcript section you want to annotate.
3.Right-click the selected text and click Annotate in TextMap.

You can also click Insert and then click New Annotation.

The New Annotation dialog box opens.

4.On the Note tab, type in any notes you have regarding the annotated text.
5.Click OK when you are finished or click on a tab to link the annotation to case issues or document files.
hmtoggle_plus1To link annotations to case issues
1.In the New Annotation dialog box, click the Linked Issues tab.

New Annotation > Linked Issues tab

If you have closed this box, double-click on the annotation in the Annotations pane.

2.Select the issue check boxes for primary and sub-level issues you want to link to the annotation.

The Linked Issues tab automatically displays the last issue selections to minimize issue selection when creating annotations.

Click on the Issues Option button xm_issues_option_icon to select one of the following:

Select All Issues to place a check mark beside all issues
Unselect All Issues to remove the check mark beside all selected issues
Manage Issues to open the Case Issues dialog box.



If an annotation is linked to more than one issue, the color of the issue that's the highest in the issue outline hierarchy (that is not the default color) will be applied to the annotation.


3.Click OK to save your selections.

The selected issues now display in the Linked Issues column in the Annotations pane.

hmtoggle_plus1To link annotations to files
1.In the New Annotation dialog box, click the Linked Issues tab.

If you have closed this box, double-click on the annotation in the Annotations pane.

2.Click on the Linked Files tab, and then click the Add button.
3.On the New Linked File Wizard's Welcome page, click Next.
4.On the New or Existing Document page, choose whether to link to a new or existing document file.

To link to a new document

1.If you select Yes, I want to link a new document to this case, then the Document Type page displays.
2.In the Document Type page, select the type of document for which you want to link: File, Web Address, Document linked in CaseMap, or Custom Link.
3.Click Next to continue.
4.On the New Document Path page, click Browse.
5.In the Open dialog box, navigate to the folder where the file is saved, select it and click Open.
6.Click Next to continue to open the New Document Name page.
7.In the Name field, type in or edit the document name.
8.Under the question Is this document an exhibit?, click Yes or No.
9.Click Next to continue.
10.On the Completing the New Linked File Wizard page, review the selected file, then click Finish.

To link to an existing document

1.If you select No, I want to link to an existing linked document, then the Select Document page displays.
2.In the Select a document box, click on the file for which you want to link the annotation, then click Next.
3.On the Completing the New Linked File Wizard page, review the selected file, then click Finish.
5.In the New Annotation dialog box, click OK to save your selections.
hmtoggle_plus1To view annotation update history
1.In the New Annotation dialog box, click the Update History tab.

If you have closed this box, double-click on the annotation in the Annotations pane.

The tab lists who created the annotation and the date/time, as well as who updated the annotation and the date/time.

hmtoggle_plus1To change the annotation default color

The default annotation and case issue color are the same.

1.On the Tools menu, click Case Issues.
2.In the Color list, under Default Issue Color, click on the color you want.

Default issue color

3.Click Close to save your changes.
hmtoggle_plus1To turn off annotation highlights

On the View menu, click Highlight Annotations so that menu item displays as unchecked.

The Highlight Annotations feature is enabled when a check mark displays next to the menu option and is automatically turned on by default. The setting change only applies to the current TextMap session. The next time you open a case in TextMap, the annotation color highlights will display.


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