Filtering annotations

TextMap now allows you to filter annotations by creator or linked issues. To apply an annotation filter, click the View menu and then click Filter Annotations (No Filter is the default view, where all annotations display). On the submenu, select either Filter by Creator or Filter by Linked Issues. The selected filter is then applied to all transcripts in the case for the current user session or until another filter option is selected. When you close or re-open a case, any previously applied filters are automatically cleared. The annotation filter status displays in the top right corner of the Annotations pane.



If you or another user deletes an annotation or issue while a filter is applied, it will be deleted regardless.


hmtoggle_plus1View filtering considerations

Reference the following table to learn about considerations that affect filtering.

Filtering Considerations



Filter by Creator

Any new annotations added by other case users when the filter is running only display if they match the current filter.


If there are no annotations for selected users, the Annotations pane displays a message, Filter Excludes All Annotations.


Case users who have been deleted will still display with that designation. If an annotation has "unknown" as the creator, you can assign it to another users. See Changing annotations' owner status.


If the Filter by Creator menu item is grayed out, the case does not currently have any users.

Filter by Linked Issues

Annotations created or edited when the filter is running only display if they match the current filter.


If you select a parent issue, all child issues are also selected. Clear the check box for any issue you do not want in the filter.


If an issue filter is already applied, those issues will already be selected in the Filter Annotations by Linked Issues dialog box.


If there are no annotations for selected issues, the Annotations pane displays a message, Filter Excludes All Annotations, and the Filter by Annotations by Linked Issues dialog box displays a message, There are no issues in this TextMap case.


hmtoggle_plus1To filter by creator
1.On the View ribbon, click Filter by Creator on the Filter Annotations tab.
2.In the Filter Annotations by Creator dialog box, select one or more users to filter by.

Filter Annotations by Creator

3.Click OK to apply the filter.

Only annotations by selected users now display in the Annotations pane.

The information bar in the top right corner of the Annotations pane now displays the number of annotations filtered and total annotations in the transcript.

hmtoggle_plus1To filter by linked issues
1.On the View ribbon, click Filter by Linked Issues on the Filter Annotations tab.
2.In the Filter Annotations by Linked Issues dialog box, select the check box for each issue you want included in the filter, then click OK.

You can also right-click to check or clear all issues.

FIlter Annotations by Linked Issues

Only annotations linked to the selected issues now display in the Annotations pane.

hmtoggle_plus1To clear an annotation filter
1.On the View menu, click No Filter on the Filter Annotations tab.

The previous filter is now removed from all transcripts in the case.

If you select another filter option, the previous filter is cleared and the new filter is applied.


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