About importing data

TextMap organizes imported transcripts and depositions into a centralized electronic case where you and other case staff can share comments, insights, research ideas, notes, links, and documents. Once the transcripts and documents are added to a TextMap case, they are in one location that makes it easy for you to find topics of interest, mark interesting passages, and link to files. There is no limit to the number of files or size of files that you can import into a TextMap case.

When transcripts and documents are imported, TextMap tracks words and their locations in a list called a case index. The case index alphabetizes words in all of the transcripts and also contains hyperlinks to the locations in the transcript where the words display. Not all words are included in the case index: the most common ones, such as and, or, the, and but are not in the case index. See About the case index.

TextMap locates the first date in a transcript or document and uses that date in the Transcript Import Preview dialog box. TextMap recognized dates in the DD/MM/YYYY format. For example, TextMap recognizes both 01/20/99 and January 20, 1999.

The most common way to import information into TextMap is by importing a file in an ASCII text file. This allows the line numbering and page numbering of the original transcript to be the same as the transcript inside TextMap. If you are receiving transcripts in a Binder format, you can open the file and save it as a text file for importing into TextMap.


You can also import the following file types:

.txt (Amicus)
.txt (Summation)
.ptf (LiveNote Portable Transcript File)
.pcf (LiveNote Portable Case File)
.xmptf (TextMap Portable Transcript File)
.mdb (Sanction)
.xmef (TextMap Evidence Format)




TextMap does not directly import files provided in RealLegal E-Transcript Binder Format (.ptx) or Adobe® Portable Document Format (.pdf). Open files in .ptx format using Legal Binder or Viewer, and then save the transcripts as text (.txt) files. You can then import the new .txt files. Formatting does not change in this process.


TextMap also has a feature that allows you to import information from a software Clipboard to TextMap. This allows you to import information from many file types into TextMap. See Importing files from a Clipboard.

You can also update or append existing transcripts in the case. See Updating or appending transcripts.


To learn more about importing other data, see the following topics:

Importing annotations
Importing data from an iPad
Importing exhibit packages
Updating or appending transcripts
Batch importing cases
About CaseViewNet


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 800.543.6862 (Option 2, then Option 4). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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