Importing data from an iPad

The importing process applies any edits you made in the TextMap app for iPad to the master case in TextMap. You must have the corresponding case open in TextMap before you can import updates from the iPad. Only one case user at a time can import updates.

An import confirmation indicates how many new issues and annotations will be added. The message also lists how many annotations have been edited or deleted and how many transcripts in the case are affected by the changes.

During the import process, TextMap will recognize if your updates have already been applied. See the iPad Import  Considerations table for details on how TextMap processes updates in the master case.

You can re-export the case to your iPad if you want to access any case user updates or new transcripts added to the case. Otherwise, you can continue to work on the transcripts you already have on your iPad.


hmtoggle_plus1To view data import considerations

Reference the following table for considerations when importing case updates from your iPad.

iPad Import Considerations


Only one case user at a time can import updates. TextMap displays a message if another case user is currently importing updates from the iPad or synchronizing a replica with the master case.


You can import updates from your iPad as many times as you want. TextMap will recognize any case data that was already updated or skipped during a previous data transfer.

* You may want to email the case to your iPad again if you want access to all case user updates or any new transcripts added to the case.


Case updates made on an iPad can be imported into a replica case. TextMap will recognize that the case updates from the iPad were made in the replica when synchronizing the replica with the master case.

See About replicating and synchronizing cases.


After a significant number of updates are made on your iPad, it's a best practice to import your updates into the master case. This ensures that you and other case users have access to the latest case data at all times.


You can choose to skip importing previous updates if the latest update includes all the data you want.

Case Issues

New parent (top-level) issues created on an iPad are added to the bottom of the TextMap's issue outline.

Annotations and Notes

Annotations edited on the iPad but were deleted in the master case will be imported back into the master case. TextMap counts these as new annotations and not edited annotations.


Annotations created on the iPad will be skipped during the import if the transcript has been deleted from the master case. The number of skipped annotations displays in a message during the import.


Annotations deleted on the iPad will be deleted in the master case, even if the original annotation was edited. The total number of annotations deleted across all transcripts will be listed in the import message.


Any annotation issue links that are deleted on the iPad will be deleted in the master case during the import.


Any linked issues added in the master case since case data was exported will be retained in the master case.


Existing annotations with notes updated on the iPad will override notes made in the master case.


hmtoggle_plus1To import TextMap app updates from your email
1.Click More Import on the Home Ribbon, and then click Import from iPad.

You can also click Import on the File menu, and then click Import from iPad.

2.From the Select TextMap Mobile Import File dialog box, open the email that contains the case updates that you want to import from the TextMap app.

Outlook email and attached case file

3.Open the master case in TextMap, if it is not already open.
4.Double-click on the email attachment to open it.
5.In the Opening Mail Attachment dialog box, click Open.

Click Save if you want to save the case updates to a file to import later, then close the email.

6.In the Import Updates from iPad dialog box, review the issues and annotation updates, then click OK.

Import Updates from iPad

The imported data now displays in your transcripts in the master case.

hmtoggle_plus1To import updates saved to a file

You can also import case updates directly from the .xmmi file, if you chose to save the attachment to a folder to import at a later time. If a TextMap case is not already open, a dialog box displays for you to browse to and select the existing or recent case you want to open. Once the case is open in TextMap, the import process automatically starts. If the corresponding TextMap case is already open, click OK in the message box to initiate the import.

1.On the File menu, click Import and then click Updates from iPad.
2.In the Select TextMap Mobile Import File dialog box, navigate to the folder where the import file is stored.



You can also right-click on the file in the folder where it is stored and then click Import into TextMap or simply double-click on the file to initiate the import.


3.Select the import file and then click Open.
4.In the Import Updates from iPad dialog box, review the issues and annotation updates, then click OK.

Import Updates from iPad



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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at:, or contact a support representative at 800.543.6862 (Option 2, then Option 4). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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