About the TextMap app for iPad

With TextMap, you can easily review and annotate transcripts on your Apple® iPad®. Download the free TextMap app for iPad from the Apple Store and then email the transcripts you want to review. Simply open the email attachment on your iPad to import the case.

When you are ready to update the master case with your new or edited annotations, simply email them from the iPad. Opening the email attachment will start the import process and prompt you to apply your updates to the master case. TextMap has no limit to the number of case users that can send annotations from their iPads.

Anytime you need the most recent changes to the master case, export the changes and merge them with the changes already on the iPad.



You can email or export both local and SQL cases to the TextMap iPad app. If you do not have user permission to export or import data to and from the iPad, the menu items for these features will be disabled.


hmtoggle_plus1Learn more about the export and import processes

Exporting vs. Importing:

The export process sends case data from the master case in TextMap to the TextMap app for iPad.
The import process applies updates to the master case that have been made on the iPad.


Reviewing TextMap transcripts on your iPad involves:

Downloading the TextMap app from the Apple App Store
Emailing case data to the TextMap app
Emailing updates and applying them to the master case


TextMap will display a warning message if you do not import the updates from a specific iPad in the order they were exported. Importing them in order ensures that all of the changes will be applied. Refer to the iPad Import Considerations table to learn how TextMap processes case updates. This table is helpful to reference when multiple users are syncing data to the same case. See the iPad Export Considerations table for details about the export process.


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 800.543.6862 (Option 2, then Option 4). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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