About replicating/synchronizing cases

Replication and synchronization are TextMap features that permit case staff to work in replica copies of a master case (local or SQL) that can be merged to create one updated version of the master case. You can create replicas of local and SQL cases in TextMap.


Replication vs. Synchronization:

Replication is creating an exact copy of a case while tracking the replicated file
Synchronization is merging the replica to the master case, reconciling any updates or edits


When case users go on the road, they can take a replica along and make additions and updates to case records. While these individuals work in replicas, case staff back in the office can still make changes to the master case. When the replica is returned or emailed to the office, the latest content can be synchronized into the master case.

With TextMap, a replica can be synchronized repeatedly with the master case — without creating duplicate transcripts and annotations. This allows users on the road to email replicas back to the main office for synchronization each time significant updates are made, while continuing to work in the replica.

All replica name (local and SQL versions) must be unique. Creating a replica of a TextMap case is an exclusive process. Case staff cannot access the master case during this process.

A replica cannot be created if users are actively working in the case (synchronizing cases, or importing, updating, and deleting transcripts). Please notify case users to exit the case before creating a replica of a case. Password protection of replica is optional, however at least one user must be assigned to the case before a replica can be created.



Create replica cases for staff who need to work from home or access a case during court or offsite depositions. Replica cases include access to linked files and exhibits, with the exception of Web sites and links to files in a document management systems.



For information on how to create a SQL case replicas in the CaseMap Admin Console, refer to the CaseMap Server Answer Center.


hmtoggle_plus1Follow these guidelines to ensure synchronization success

Reference the following table for guidelines and considerations when replicating and synchronizing cases.


Replication and Synchronization Guidelines and Considerations

Replica copies can be saved to a network folder and shared among users.

At least one user must be added to a case before a replica can be created; passwords are optional.

Case staff in the master case are exported to the replica for both local and SQL cases.

* If you add additional staff to a replica, they are not added to to the master case when synchronization occurs. For a local case, add new users by clicking Tools > Case Staff. For a SQL case, new users are added in the CaseMap Admin Console and need to then be assigned to a role and the SQL case.

A replica cannot be created if users are actively working in the case (synchronizing cases, or importing, updating, and deleting transcripts).

You can make as many replica of the master case as needed.

Replicas can be synchronized with the master case repeatedly; allowing users to continue working in the replica while emailing updated copies back to the office for synchronization.

Always merge replica copies with the master case when they are returned, regardless if a user says updates were not made to the file.

Exported copies of the case cannot be synchronized with a master case. Only copies made during a replication process can be synchronized.

Convert replicas to create a new master case when a case file corrupts, information is lost on the network, or backups are lost/corrupt.

* In this instance, any transcripts or additional information added in the corrupt master case that does not exist in the replica may need to be imported/added to replace lost data.

See the Synchronization Rules for Issues table in this help topic for limitations regarding issues in a TextMap replica.


hmtoggle_plus1Reference specific synchronization rules for issues

Reference the following table for specific synchronization rules, particularly regarding issues.


Synchronization Rules for Issues

TextMap only supports adding issues from one case to another. The synchronization feature does not change the issue outline hierarchy in the master case if you have rearranged it in the replica.

TextMap adds new issues to ensure that links are not lost. TextMap ignores the issue outline arrangement, issue colors, and renamed or deleted issues when adding issues from the replica.

After synchronization completes, case staff must combine duplicate issues or remove unwanted issues. The Delete Issue Wizard allows you to move links from one issue to another. If the issue is linked to any annotations, the Delete Issue Wizard displays.

TextMap matches issues from one case to another by issue name only. If new issues are created in the replica, they are only added as a new issue in the master case if they are linked to annotations.

* Issues that are added, edited, renamed, or deleted in the replica, and are not linked to an annotation, are not updated in the master case when synchronization occurs.

TextMap does not synchronize the following issue changes:

Issue outline levels or order
Issue names
Issues deleted in the replica are not deleted in the master
Issues deleted in the master are added back when synchronizing with a replica

TextMap does copy links for new annotations to the master case.

TextMap completely replaces annotations that are edited in a recent replica. The replica copy of the annotation is synchronized into the master case if the Last Update Time Stamp in the replica is later than that of the master case's Last Update Time Stamp.



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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 800.543.6862 (Option 2, then Option 4). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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