Updating or appending transcripts

You have the option of either updating or appending an existing transcript. The steps for performing either option are nearly identical:

If you update an existing transcript, TextMap updates the existing transcript and creates a backup of the original transcript with a draft that is appended to the original transcript name.
If you append an existing transcript, TextMap appends the existing transcript and creates a backup of the original transcript renamed with "[Draft]" appended to the name. The original draft transcript will retain the original transcript ID.


The backup and the updated/appended copy will both display in the Transcripts pane. You can later delete the backup draft by selecting it in the Transcript pane and then clicking Delete Transcript on the Transcript menu.


hmtoggle_plus1To learn about updating rough transcripts

If a rough copy of a transcript was already imported into the case, you can easily update it with the final transcript. TextMap creates a backup copy of the transcript when updating it. The name of the transcript will be the same, but with [DRAFT] appended.

Any annotations applied to the rough copy will be transferred to the final transcript. If TextMap cannot locate the exact transcript location for an annotation, it will label it as an orphaned annotation. Orphans occur when the annotation text or the text surrounding the annotation has changed significantly. This change can be actual, textual change or a large change in formatting. TextMap moves orphaned annotations to the top of the transcript (Page 1, Line 1). The note section includes the original page and line number of the annotation to help you place the annotation manually. Move annotations by using the Move Annotation option on the Annotation menu.

In the event that you have multiple rough transcript files that are all part of the same transcript, TextMap also offers the option to combine these files into a single transcript by appending the later testimony to an existing transcript. In this instance, choose the Append to Transcript option from the right-click menu.



If you are updating/appending a transcript that is assigned to one or more transcript groups, the updated and DRAFT transcripts will both display within the transcript group(s). If the rough transcript is assigned to a group that no longer exists, then the rough and final transcripts will display in the Transcript List under Unassigned. See Creating transcript groups.


hmtoggle_plus1To update or append an existing transcript
1.In the Transcripts pane, right-click on the transcript you want to append.

Update Transcript

2.On the submenu, click one of the following:
a.Click Update.
b.In the Select Updated Transcript File dialog box, navigate to and select the updated transcript, and then click Select.
c.In the message box to continue, click Yes.
d.In the Transcript Import Preview box, confirm the name of the transcript, and click OK to continue.
e.In the message box for backups, click OK.
f.Click OK on the subsequent message box(es) to complete the transcript update process.

The updated transcript displays in the Transcript pane, identified by the word [DRAFT] appended at the end of the name.

Transcripts pane with appended draft

a.Click Append to.
b.In Select Transcript File to Append dialog box, navigate to and select the updated transcript, and then click Select.
c.In the Transcript Import Preview dialog box, modify any transcript information if needed, such as the date and time, and then click OK.

Transcript Import Preview

d.In the transcript message, click OK.

Appended transcript message

The original transcript now displays in the Transcript List with [DRAFT] appended to the name. The updated or appended transcript also displays.


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