About CaseViewNet

CaseViewNet® is a free transcript viewer made by Stenograph, LLC, and it is automatically installed when you install TextMap.

CaseViewNet provides interactive real-time access to testimony through a court reporter’s private WiFi network or a wired connection. CaseViewNet updates all edits during a session.

CaseViewNet and TextMap integrate so that you can instantly import a transcript into TextMap during a deposition and start annotating and issue linking. You can even start CaseViewNet by clicking on TextMap's toolbar. When you're ready to import the transcript to TextMap just click the Send to TextMap button.

CaseViewNet software is free. There are no tokens to purchase, no royalties to pay, and no compliance issues to worry about. You are free to concentrate on the important testimonial matters at hand.

For more information about CaseViewNet, click here. Customer Support for CaseViewNet is provided by Stenograph. For TextMap-related questions, call CaseMap Customer Support.


hmtoggle_plus1Learn what you  can do with CaseViewNet

CaseViewNet is intuitive and easy to learn. It has its own Help system and customer support through Stenograph.

Here is a list of what you can expect to do using CaseViewNet:

Mark testimony for quick and easy review.
Search testimony for a question, answer, word, phrase, marked lines, time or notes.
Use Quick Find to locate questions, answers, marked lines and notes.
Write on-screen notes linked to specific testimony.
Use Quick Issues commands to identify specific testimony for on-screen review.
Locate time-specific testimony segments.
Generate printed reports of annotated text for printing and save information to file.
Save the realtime transcript as a CaseViewNet, LiveNote, ASCII text, Summation text, Amicus text or TextMap portable transcript file.
Instantly export the transcript to a TextMap case by clicking Send to CaseMap button.
hmtoggle_plus1Find a CaseViewNet court reporter

CaseViewNet client viewer accepts serial input from any court reporter capable of sending realtime to viewers such as CaseView® II, LiveNote®, Summation®, and others. It uses the same serial cables, splitters, and adapters traditionally used for realtime court reporting.

Case CATalyst users with a CaseViewNet certificate can distribute realtime to CaseViewNet wirelessly. Client computers will receive the entire transcript, even if they arrive late. CaseViewNet's RapidRefresh™ instantly updates all edits, including globals, on clients’ computers so your realtime looks better. This process allows you to eliminate cables, splitters, adapters, and the time it takes to connect them.

Ask the reporters you normally use if they can provide realtime service using CaseViewNet. Reporters who have Stenograph's Case CATalyst reporting software can add CaseViewNet capability as an optional annual license.

You can find court reporters who are licensed to provide CaseViewNet realtime output via network connection allowing for wired/wireless connection and instant refreshing of the transcript. Search the Stenograph licensed CaseViewNet reporter directory.

hmtoggle_plus1Get a free download of CaseViewNet

CaseViewNet automatically launches when you click on the Realtime toolbar button. If TextMap can't find CaseViewNet a message displays with a link to the Stenograph website for information about CaseViewNet and a free download.


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 800.543.6862 (Option 2, then Option 4). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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