About the case index

TextMap creates a word index when you import transcripts into a case. TextMap reads the case data and compiles an index based off each word it reads. The index is used when you run searches so you can locate important words, dates, and text phrases easily in your case transcripts and linked files.

When you import new files into a case, TextMap will update the case index to include those files so you can capture the data in new searches or re-run previous searches on the new files. We recommend that you do not run searches while the indexing process is occurring because you may not receive complete search results until all new files have been indexed. If you do run a search when the index process is still running, a message displays at the top of the Search Results pane that states: Results may be incomplete; TextMap was updating the index when you ran the search.

If another case user has indexed the case using a previous or later version than you have installed, you may not be able to index the case until you upgrade to the latest TextMap version. To search in the current case, you need to rebuild the index or upgrade to the latest version of TextMap.

TextMap indexing only works in version 7 cases; indexing is not backwards compatible on previous version cases. If TextMap encounters a problem during the index process, it will disable indexing for the case. You may continue to use the case, but the Search functionality will not be available. We recommend that you close the case and reopen TextMap. If the problem continues, contact CaseMap Technical Support at 800.833.3346 (option 3) or casemap.support@lexisnexis.com.

As new or updated transcripts are imported into the case the index rebuilds and the word count reflects an updated total as new words are added to the list. You can also rebuild the index in a case.


TextMap indexes:

New or updated transcripts
Annotations and notes
Case issue names
Linked exhibits


TextMap automatically indexes edits to annotations, notes, and case issue names. Similarly, if you delete an annotation, note, or issue, the index is automatically updated to reflect the changes.


hmtoggle_plus1Learn why some words are not indexed

TextMap comes with a pre-defined list of ignore words that it skips while indexing case information. Ignore words are words that are automatically excluded from a case index. The ignore word list includes the most common words in the English language (and, but, is, if, the). Ignore words are words you would generally not search for. Eliminating these words from the index ensures that searches run faster and more efficiently.

You can also modify the ignore word list. See Modifying ignore words.

hmtoggle_plus1To verify if indexing is complete
1.In the lower right corner of TextMap, move the mouse pointer over the Index icon XM_index_notindexing_icon.
2.Now look in the lower left corner of TextMap to see whether the XM_indexing_message message displays.

If this message displays, you can run your search and get the latest search results on case data.

If this message does not display, the reindexing process is still running and it is best to run any searches after it completes. When the indexing process is running, the icon changes to display a clock XM_index_icon.


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 800.543.6862 (Option 2, then Option 4). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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