About searching

TextMap allows you to quickly search all transcripts, exhibits, documents, annotations, and notes in your case because it automatically creates a case index during the import process.


There are two methods of searching in TextMap:

Basic Word Searches — performing single word searches to locate all instances of the word in transcript text.

See Running basic word searches.

Full-Text Searching — performing full-text searches against transcript text, annotations, and exhibits.

See About full-text searching.



hmtoggle_plus1Learn how the case index works

TextMap creates a case index when you import transcripts and files into a case. During the indexing process, TextMap reads each imported document and compiles a case index based off the each word it reads.

Search pane > Word Search tab > case index

The case index is used when you perform searches so you can locate important words, dates, and text phrases easily in your case.

For more information, see About the case index.

hmtoggle_plus1Lean how ignore words help narrow search results

TextMap provides you with a default, global Ignore List and a Case Ignore Words list. Both lists are used by TextMap to skip or ignore words and text from both lists during searches. Words or alphanumeric text can be added or deleted from either list.  When search queries are performed, any words or text added to the lists are skipped and not included in search results or tallied as search "hits".

For more information, see Modifying ignore words.


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