Running basic word searches

Basic word searches are performed to locate all instances of a single word in transcript text for all transcripts in a case. Transcripts that include the search term display in the Word Search pane. Under each transcript are page/line number hyperlinks that jump directly to the search term for that transcript. When you click on a hyperlink, the applicable transcript displays in the main TextMap pane with the search term highlighted.

If you want to search selected transcripts, exhibits, documents, and annotations, you need to run a full-text search. See Running full-text searches.


hmtoggle_plus1To run a basic keyword search
1.In the Search pane, click the Word Search tab.
2.In the Word Search box, type in the word you want to locate.

Search pane > Word Search tab



By default, only the words for the selected transcript are displayed in the search results for large cases when it has more than 100 transcripts.


As you type, you will see partial word results display as TextMap matches the root word to other similar words.

Search results display in the Word Search pane and are grouped by transcript.

3.Point your mouse to a hyperlink to display a preview of the the search term that includes the two lines before and after it in the transcript.
4.Click on a page/line number hyperlink to jump directly to the search term within the applicable transcript.

The applicable transcript displays in the main TextMap pane with the search term highlighted for easy identification.



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