Running form-based searches

Using the Form Based tab is a great way to practice running full-text searches until you are ready to write your own search queries. The Form Based tab has search operator parameters provided for you and allows you to locate terms without having to learn about search operators. Once you understand how to use search operators, you can type your own search queries in the Full Text Search tab.

Form-based searches are run in the Full Text Search dialog box in the Form Based tab (accessible from the Search ribbon). You can narrow your search by selecting categories in the Full Text Search tab in the Search pane. See Running full-text searches.

TextMap automatically searches all transcripts, unless specific transcripts are selected.


hmtoggle_plus1To run a form-based search
1.On the View ribbon, click the Search icon to open the Full Text Search dialog box.
2.In the Full Text Search dialog box, click the Form Based tab.

Full Text Search > Form Based tab

3.In the Find Transcripts area, type in the search terms for the option(s) you want to use.
with all of the words
with the exact phrase
with at least one of the words
without the words

You can enter search terms in more than one field to narrow your search results by including or excluding words.

For example, a search with the exact phrase of water damage and with at least one of the words mold, locates all transcripts that include the phrase water damage and also includes the word mold. Transcripts that include the phrase water damage but do not include the word mold will not display in your search results.



Once you have typed in your search terms, click on the Full Text Query tab to view how the search query is written using search operators. Next time you have a similar search, try typing the query yourself.


5.Click the Preview button to review the number of search results found.
6.In the Preview Results box, review all transcripts located as well as the number of hits found per transcript.
7.Click the Search button to run the search query and view the results in the Search pane.
7.In the Full Text Search pane, click on a page/line number hyperlink (ex: 15:14 water) to jump directly to the search term within the applicable transcript.

The transcript displays in the main TextMap window with the search term highlighted for easy identification.

For more information on viewing and navigating search results, see Viewing/navigating search results.


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