Running full-text searches

Full-text searching allows you to locate key case information by searching transcript text, exhibits, and annotations (also by select issues). You can search each of these categories individually or expand your search further by selecting a combination of categories to include that information in your search results.

The Full Text Search tab also allows you to write your own search queries using search operators, which also help you garner precise search results. See Using search operators.

TextMap automatically searches all transcripts by default when a search is run, unless specific transcripts are selected. TextMap will automatically recall selected transcripts from the last search run. This feature is distinct to each user for the current TextMap session. If no searches have been run in the current session, TextMap will default to the All Transcripts setting.

Search results display in the Full Text Search tab after a search is run. See also Viewing/navigating search results.



To preview search results, expand/reduce the range between search terms, write longer complex queries, view search history, re-run saved searches, or access the case thesaurus, see additional Full Text Search features.


hmtoggle_plus1To run a full-text search
1.In the Search pane, click the Full Text Search tab.
2.In the Full Text Search tab, type in your search query.

Search pane > Full Text Search tab

3.Click the Full Text Search button XM_adv_search_green_arrow_button to run the query.

Search results are displayed to the right in the Search Pane, and the Search ribbon displays at the top of the workspace.

4.In the Full Text Search tab, view the search results.

Search pane > Full Text Search tab > search results

5.In the Full Text Search tab, click on a page/line number hyperlink (example: 15:14) to jump directly to the search term within the applicable transcript or exhibit.

The transcript displays in the main TextMap window with the search term highlighted for easy identification.

6.On the Search ribbon, click Next Hit to go to the next term.
7.Optional: On the Navigate tab of the Search  ribbon, click on the:

Click the First icon to go back to the first search hit.

Click the Prior icon to go back to the search hit just viewed.

Click the Last icon to go to the last search hit.

For more information on viewing and navigating search results, see Viewing search results.

8.Optional: Click Search Report to open the Search Report wizard which is used to create a report of your search results.
9.In the Search Report Wizard, complete all steps as applicable.

See Printing a Search report for additional information.

10.Optional: Click Edit to edit a saved search.

See To edit a saved search for additional information.

11.Optional: Click Save to save the search.

See Saving searches for additional information.

For more information on viewing and navigating search results, see Viewing search results.

hmtoggle_plus1To choose which types of case data to search

A search can be performed and/or narrowed using any combination of categories (i.e., Transcript Text and Annotations). When multiple categories are selected, results for all categories display in the search results.

1.In the Narrow Categories pane, select the check box for each category that you want to search. (i.e., Transcript Text and Annotations).

The Transcript Text check box is selected by default.

Full Text Search > Transcript Text and Annotations

2.Click the Full Text Search button XM_adv_search_green_arrow_button to initiate to search.

Results display in the Full Text Search tab (right). Search hits in the transcript text are highlighted, and if the first hit is in an annotation, that annotation will be selected.

hmtoggle_plus1To select specific transcripts to search
1.In the Narrow Transcripts pane, click Select transcripts to select specific transcripts or transcripts groups.

Select Transcripts

3.In the Select Transcripts dialog box, select Transcript Groups to search a specific group of transcripts, or select Individual Transcripts to select/search specific transcripts only, and then click OK to continue.

A Search all transcripts link displays in the Narrow Transcripts pane and can be used to search all transcripts if hits aren't found in previous searches.

4.Click the Full Text Search button XM_adv_search_green_arrow_button to initiate to search.
hmtoggle_plus1To limit annotations to specific issues

When searching annotations, search results will include annotations that match the search text and are linked to any of the selected issues. You can also search annotations by entering an issue name in the Search box (e.g. if the you search for the Background issue, TextMap will find annotations linked to the issue Background.

1.In the Narrow Categories area, select the Annotations check box.

The Annotations check box must be selected for the Narrow Annotations pane to display.

2.In the Narrow Annotations pane, click Select issues to focus the search on specific issues.

Search annotations by select issues

3.In the Select Issues screen, select the check box for each issue you want to search, then click OK.

Select Issues

The selected issues display in the Narrow Annotations pane.

A Search all annotations link also displays, which can be used to search all annotations if hits aren't found in previous searches. Click Select all annotations to search all annotations and removed the selected issues.


4.Click the Full Text Search button XM_adv_search_green_arrow_button to initiate to search.

Search results for annotations by issues

Search results include annotations that match the search text and are linked to any of the selected issues.

If there are no hits/results found based on the search, TextMap will display a message that no hits were found.

hmtoggle_plus1To preview search results, adjust the nearness indicator, view saved searches, or run complex queries

You will run the majority of your searches in the Search pane using the Full Text Search tab (located to the right of the Transcript window). When necessary, however, you can access a few more search features by opening the Full Text Search dialog box from the Search menu.

Full Text Search dialog box > Full Text Search tab

The Full Text Search tab in the Full Text Search dialog box offers a few more search features:

Previewing search results without having to load all search results

After you type in a search query in the Query box, you can preview the number of search hits found before loading the full search results. Search results display in the Preview Results box, showing the total number of hits as well as the number of hits found per transcript.

Adjusting the nearness indicator to expand or reduce the range in which you want locate both words

The Nearness default setting is used to locate search terms within five words of each other. You can expand/reduce this range from one to 100 words.

Access saved searches in your My Favorites folder or All Users' Favorites

See Saving searches

Access the Thesaurus to find word synonyms in searches

TextMap offers both a global thesaurus and a case thesaurus so you can find synonyms or "like" terms that are referenced in your case transcripts.

See Using search operators and Adding terms to the case thesaurus.

Viewing search history for the past 30 days.

See Viewing search history.




To open the Full Text Search dialog box from the Search pane, leave the Search Text box blank and then click the the green arrow button XM_adv_search_green_arrow_button.



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