Viewing search history

TextMap stores your full-text search queries for up to 30 days. You can view and reference search history from Search menu by clicking Full Text Search and then clicking the History button. Search history is individual to each user ID; you will not see other users' search history.

Search history for each stored query includes the query text and the date/time the search was run. Click on an individual search to display search details, including the query text. Searches can be reloaded to edit or re-run from the Full Text Search dialog box.

Delete searches as needed to clear search history. Once a search is deleted it is permanently removed from the case. Any searches older than 30 days are automatically deleted by TextMap.


hmtoggle_plus1To view search history
1.On the Search ribbon, click Edit to open the Full Text Search dialog box.



A search must be run to activate the Edit button.


2.In the Full Text Search dialog box, click the History button.
3.In the Search History dialog box, scroll to view recent search history.
4.Click on a search to view search details, including the query text and transcripts included when the query was run.
5.Click Close when you are finished.
hmtoggle_plus1To load and rerun a stored search
1.On the Search ribbon, click Edit to open the Full Text Search dialog box.
2.In the Full Text Search dialog box, click the History button.
3.In the Searches box, click on the search you want to edit or run again.
4.Click the Load button to open the Advanced Search dialog box.

Notice that the search now displays in the Query box in the Full Text Query tab.

5.Click the Search button to re-run or edit the search.
hmtoggle_plus1To delete search history
1.On the Search ribbon, click Edit to open the Full Text Search dialog box.
2.In the Full Text Search dialog box, click the History button.
3.In the Search History dialog box, highlight the searches you want to delete.
4.Click the Delete button.
5.In the message box, click Yes.
6.Click Close and then click Cancel to continue.


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