Printing a Search report

Search reports can be created after a full-text search is run. The Search report is organized by transcript and contains search results from transcripts and/or linked exhibits that include search terms in your query. The search query run before generating the report prints at the top left of each report page in addition to the transcript name and date, and page/line number.

Search terms are highlighted in gray so you can easily locate them. You can adjust the number of lines that print before and after each transcript text or exhibit hit included in the report. Additionally, you can choose whether to include Q & A pairs in the report.

Search reports print in ReportBook format, which include a title page, statement of confidentiality, and table of contents. You can customize the report's title page settings.

Search Report example 


hmtoggle_plus1To print a search report
1.In the Search pane, on the Full Text Search tab, run a search if you have not already done so.

See Running full-text searches.

2.On the Reports ribbon, click Search Report.

You can also click the Search Report on the Search ribbon.

3.On the Search Report Wizard's Welcome page, click Next.
4.On the Optional Features page, select or clear the ReportBook options you want to include, or highlight an option in the list and click the edit button to make applicable changes.

See Modifying ReportBook title pages.

5.On the Search Hit Context page, accept the default number of lines around the transcript and exhibit text hits, or use the up/down arrows to adjust the number of lines.

Search Report Wizard > Search Hit Context

The default number of lines around transcript text hits is 5.

The default number of words around exhibits hits is 10.

6.Under Always include entire Q & A pairs?, select Yes or No.
7.Click Next to continue.
8.On the Completing the Search Report Wizard page, click Finish.
9.In the Print dialog box, select your print options, then click OK.

The print options will change depending on your selection. See Selecting print output options.



We recommend you select Preview first to verify your report before printing a hard copy or saving the report as a PDF file. You can select your print options from the Print Preview toolbar.



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