About reports

A report is a way to retrieve information that you imported or entered in your case. TextMap offers many useful reporting options, accessible on the Reports menu with single and multiple transcript sub-menus. Many of the reports have wizards to make creating useful work product quick and easy. Transcripts with annotations and linked issues have options for including the selected passages and filtering highlighted passages for desired issues. TextMap automatically creates a word index for all transcripts; you can include it with transcript reports or not.

You can print reports to PDF file or print directly onto paper. You can run reports of only the transcripts, just the annotations, or of both the transcripts and the annotations.

The date and time appears in brackets [ ] in front of the transcript name, and is included in all transcript reports (i.e., Multiple Transcript Report, Annotations Digest Report, etc.).

TextMap includes the following reports:

Single Transcript Report — A simple report made from just one transcript. These reports provide you with the contents of the transcript arranged the way you specify, with the opportunity to select all annotations or annotations related to a specific issue. You can print the contents with or without annotations. You also have the option of printing the word index for that transcript as part of your report.
Multiple Transcript Report (a.k.a ReportBooks) — A report containing information from more than one transcript is also called a ReportBook. You have the opportunity to choose what transcripts to include in the ReportBook, as well as the option of including a Title Page, Table of Contents, and Introduction. You will have the option to organize transcripts in the order you want them. You also have the same options that you do with a single transcript report.

Annotation Digests are also ReportBooks that can be printed to Microsoft Word. Annotation Digests include the annotations and notes from a set of ReportBooks and can be filtered by issue. See Printing Annotation Digests.

Search Report — The Search Reports is based upon terms you type into the Full Text Search box. The report shows by transcript all locations that contain the search criteria.
Transcripts Listing — A Transcripts Listing provides a list of the transcripts in the case.



Single and multiple transcript reports can be printed as full-sized, condensed or note-taking versions. Transcripts with Annotations reports allow you to print with Footnotes or Endnotes (full-size or condensed).  See Understanding layout options.



The Transcripts with Annotations report and Annotation Digest reports allow you to print to a PDF format that includes linked exhibits embedded in the transcript. See Selecting print output options.



Create transcripts groups to organize transcripts that are often included in reports. See Creating transcript groups.


hmtoggle_plus1Customize title pages for polished reports

TextMap reports all print with a default title page to produce a polished work product. You can decide whether to include a title page for your reports. And you can customize the content and look of title pages to suit the needs of your organization.

Title pages can be customized within report wizards. However you can customize title pages and title page content in the Page Setup dialog box too. See Adding/editing title pages.

hmtoggle_plus1Include linked CaseMap facts in reports

By default TextMap includes three of CaseMap's Facts spreadsheet fields (Date & Time, Fact Text, and Status) in Transcript with Annotations reports and Annotation Digests. To customize CaseMap fields included in TextMap reports, see the Changing page setup options topic, Steps 8-10.

hmtoggle_plus1Embed linked documents in reports

Embedding linked documents in reports and ReportBooks printed to PDF files allows you to share the report and supporting files with others who do not have access to TextMap or the case. Once the report or ReportBook is printed to a PDF file, transcripts with linked exhibits or files will display with the transcript text underlined in blue. Clicking the underlined text opens the linked document.


To view all linked documents embedded in the PDF file, click the Attachments button (paperclip) in Adobe Acrobat or Reader to view the list. See also Selecting print options.

hmtoggle_plus1Learn how un-numbered pages print in reports

Un-numbered pages display in many reports simply as "-".  You will still see a colon and line number after the dash.  In full-size transcript reports un-numbered page numbers display to the left of the line numbers.

Condensed transcripts do not display page numbers on front and back un-numbered pages. Page numbers in both transcript types display in the upper right corner of each page of testimony.


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