Adding terms to the case thesaurus

TextMap includes a global thesaurus that helps process advanced, full-text query searches using the LIKE operator. Search results will include synonyms found in the global thesaurus or synonyms you add to the case thesaurus that are specific to the current case. A synonym is a word having the same or nearly the same meaning as another. Case synonyms have a maximum character limit of 30 and display in alphabetical order.

For more information, see Learn about the LIKE operator.


hmtoggle_plus1To add synonyms to the case thesaurus
1.On the Search ribbon, click Edit to open the Full Text Search dialog box.
2.In the Full Text Search dialog box, click the Thesaurus button.
3.In the Advanced Search Thesaurus dialog box, type in a word in the Find Synonyms for box.

Synonyms from the global thesaurus display in the Global Synonyms box.

4.Click the Edit Case Synonyms button to add similar words to the case thesaurus.
5.In the Edit Case Synonyms dialog box, type a synonym that applies to transcripts in your case, then press Enter.

Edit Case Synonyms

The new words now display in the Case Synonyms box.

Advanced Search Thesaurus

6.Continue typing in synonyms until you are finished, then click OK.

Each time you type a synonym, press Enter to add a new word.

7.Click the Close button to save new words.
8.In the Full Text Search dialog box, click Cancel.

New searches will now capture the synonyms you added to the case thesaurus.

hmtoggle_plus1To edit case synonyms
1.On the Search menu, click Full Text Search.
2.In the Full Text Search dialog box, click the Thesaurus button.
3.In the Advanced Search Thesaurus dialog box, type the word in the Find Synonyms for box for which you want to edit synonyms.
4.Click the Edit Case Synonyms button.
5.In the Edit Case Synonyms dialog box, select the word you want and make any necessary edits.
6.Click OK to save your changes.
7.In the Advanced Search Thesaurus dialog box, click Close.
8.In the Full Text Search dialog box, click Cancel.
hmtoggle_plus1To delete case synonyms
1.On the Search menu, click Full Text Search.
2.In the Full Text Search dialog box, click the Thesaurus button.
3.In the Advanced Search Thesaurus dialog box, type the word in the Find Synonyms for box that you want to delete.
4.Click the Edit Case Synonyms button.
5.In the Edit Case Synonyms dialog box, select the word you want to delete and press Delete twice to remove the word and the space in the list.
6.Click OK to save your changes.
7.In the Advanced Search Thesaurus dialog box, click Close.
8.In the Full Text Search dialog box, click Cancel.


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