Rebuilding the case index

You can rebuild case indexes to restore an index in a copy of a case. For more information, see Creating replica cases.


Reasons to rebuild the case index:

When you need to restore the index in a copy of the case (if you think the index is possibly corrupt or out of sync).
When you have edited the Ignore Word list.


hmtoggle_plus1To rebuild the case index
1.On the Case Tools menu, click Case Index.

You can also right-click on the Index icon XM_index_notindexing_icon in the lower right corner of TextMap and click Rebuild case index.

2.On the submenu, click Rebuild Case Index.
3.In the message to confirm the process, click Yes.

The index rebuild process automatically starts and runs in the background while you work in the case.

If you run a search while rebuilding the index, a message displays that states this process is running and the search you are trying to run may not return precise results. We recommend that you wait until the process completes before running a search.


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