Creating case issues

New case issues are automatically assigned the default color of yellow. You can change the default color in the Color list in the Case Issues dialog box.

Organize your case issues by adding sub-level issues to parent or primary level issue. Color-coding issues helps you identify annotations that are linked to each issue, especially when there overlapping annotations in a particular section of a transcript. See Linking issues to annotations.


hmtoggle_plus1To create case issues
1.On the File menu, click Case Setup, and then click Case Issues.
2.In the Case Issues dialog box, click Add XM_case_issues_add_button.
3.In the New Issue dialog box, type in the name of the issue, then click OK.

New Issue dialog box

The new issue displays in the TextMap Case Issues list in the default issue color of yellow.



To edit or rename an issue, click on the issue and then click the Rename icon XM_issues_rename_icon.


4.Continue adding case issues until the issues list is complete.

Case Issues

You can return and add new issues here at any time.

5.Click on an issue and then click the Demote icon XM_issues_demote_icon to create a sub-level or child issue like Background.

Click the Move Up, Move Down, Promote or Demote icons to organize the issues list.


If you right-click on an issue in the Case Issues dialog box, a submenu displays with the same options available on the Case Issues toolbar.

6.Click on an issue and then click on the arrow next to the Color button XM_issues_color_button.
7.In the color palette, click on the new color you want to use for this issue.

Color palette

All annotations linked to this issue will display in the transcript in the selected color. Transcripts with overlapping annotations will display color bars to the right of the transcript for each linked issue, so you can easily identify where overlapping annotations occur.

8.Click Close when you are finished.
hmtoggle_plus1To change the default issue color
1.On the File menu, click Case Setup, and then click Case Issues.
2.In the Color list, under Default Issue Color, click on the color you want.

Default issue color

3.Click Close to save your changes.


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