Importing case issues

If you are using TextMap and CaseMap together you can import your issue outline from a corresponding CaseMap case. You must have the corresponding CaseMap case open in order to complete this process.

If you have already imported issues from the CaseMap case into TextMap, any changes in the CaseMap issue hierarchy will not be synchronized in the TextMap case issue list until you re-import the CaseMap issues into the TextMap case. During the import, TextMap tries to match the issues already imported from CaseMap using issue short names. The import will only add new issues in TextMap.

If you rename an issue that was imported from CaseMap, it will not be sent back to CaseMap as a linked issue. When you use the Send to CaseMap utility, TextMap only recognizes linked issue names that are identical to the names created in and imported from CaseMap. If you change the name of an imported issue it will not be recognized or linked to your fact record in CaseMap. TextMap issue names must match the short name of a CaseMap issue (no spaces).

Once case issues are imported, you will need to change the issue color for each so linked annotations can be distinguished by issue color when viewing the transcript.



Importation of issues from CaseMap is a one-way street. Issues added in CaseMap and linked to annotations in TextMap will be sent back to CaseMap as Linked Issues on new facts created from annotations in TextMap. TextMap-generated issues are not recognized by CaseMap.


The import/export structure is useful, especially if you create issues in TextMap like Background or Possible Impeachment that are not related to the legal claims set forth in CaseMap's Issues spreadsheet. In Annotation Digest reports generated in TextMap, you can filter for annotations linked to any of the TextMap issues — those imported from CaseMap and those created in TextMap.



If you want to ensure your TextMap issues are sent to CaseMap as linked issues in a new fact record, then add new issues you want in your TextMap issue outline into the CaseMap Issues spreadsheet first. Next import issues from CaseMap into your corresponding TextMap case. Any new CaseMap issues will be imported into TextMap and added to the bottom of the case issues outline.


hmtoggle_plus1To import case issues
1.On the File menu, click Case Setup, and then click Case Issues.
2.In the Case Issues dialog box, click the Import icon XM_issues_import_icon.
3.In the message  box, click Yes.

Apply issue colors to each imported case issue as needed.

4.Click Close when you are finished.


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at:, or contact a support representative at 800.543.6862 (Option 2, then Option 4). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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