Deleting case issues

If you want to delete a case issue, you first need to verify whether the issues is currently linked to any transcript annotations. If the issue is linked to annotations, then you must transfer the annotations to another case issue before deleting the issue you want removed from the issue list.

This process is managed by the Delete Issue Wizard, which offers you the option of moving the links to an existing issue or deleting the annotation links to the case issue you want to delete. The wizard displays how many annotations are linked to the issue.

Deleting a case issue linked to an annotation will not delete the annotation. The annotation color will then change to the selected default color.

You cannot delete a parent issue that has sub-issues. You must first move any annotation links to another issue and then delete the sub-issues.


hmtoggle_plus1To delete a case issue
1.On the File menu, click Case Setup, and then click Case Issues.
2.In the Case Issues dialog box, click on the case issue you want to delete.
3.Click the Delete icon XM_issues_delete_icon.
4.In the message box, click Yes to delete the issue.

If the issue is linked to annotations, the Delete Issue Wizard launches so you can move or delete annotations links.

To move links to another issue

1.On the Welcome page, click Move links to another issue, then click Next.
2.On the Select New Linked Issue page, click on the issue for which you want to transfer the links, then click Next.

Delete Issue Wizard > Select New Linked Issue

3.On the Confirm Delete Issue page, verify the information, then click Finish.

Delete Issue Wizard > Confirm Delete Issue

4.In the Annotations pane, verify that the annotation is now linked to the new issue selected.


To delete annotation links

1.On the Welcome page, click Delete annotation links, then click Next.
2.On the Select New Linked Issue page, click on the issue for which you want to transfer the links, then click Next.
3.On the Confirm Delete Issue page, verify the information, then click Finish.
4.In the Annotations pane, verify that the annotation is now linked to the new issue selected.


5.In the Case Issues dialog box, click Close.


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