About the Search pane

The Search pane allows you to run basic word and full-text searches on transcripts in the case. The Search pane includes two tabs: Word Search and Full Text Search.


hmtoggle_plus1To view the Word Search tab

The Word Search tab allows you to run word searches on all transcripts in the case. Search results display within the Word Search tab. See About searching and Running basic word searches.


Word Search tab     Basic word search results


hmtoggle_plus1To view the Full Text Search tab

The Full Text Search tab allows you to run multiple word searches on transcripts in the case (or from the Full Text Search dialog box). Full-text searches can be run on all or selected transcripts or transcript groups. Full-text search results display within the Full Text Search tab. See About full-text searching and Running full-text searches.


Full Text Search tab     Full-text search results


hmtoggle_plus1To resize the Search pane to maximize transcript view

The Search pane displays to the right of the Transcript window. To increase your viewing space, you can re-size the Search pane by dragging the split bar to the left or right.

You can change search tabs by clicking the Previous and Next buttons XM_search_pane_prev_next_buttons in the top right of the pane. The Previous and Next buttons display as the Search pane is re-sized closely to the right side of the TextMap window.

You can still run searches in either search tab as longs as the search box is visible; however you may not be able to view search results clearly or narrow full-text searches by category as easily.

Resizing the Search pane



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