Navigating TextMap

TextMap's user interface is designed so your transcript data displays in the primary workspace pane (2) for maximum viewing. This workspace pane (2) is where you will search transcripts, enter and track annotations, issues, notes, linked exhibits and documents, and review video depositions in individual transcripts. To move quickly between each transcript, you will use the Navigation pane (1) on the left side of the application. The Navigation pane (1) has three interchangeable panes: Transcripts, Exhibits and Video, and Annotation Detail. Each pane is then divided into task panes containing different tools for working with transcripts.

When you are working in a case, use the Transcripts pane to access transcripts. In the Exhibits and Video pane, you can view video depositions, link exhibits, and view linked exhibits and other documents. Use the Annotation pane to review an annotation's properties, notes, and linked issues, as well as send facts to CaseMap, review linked CaseMap fact details, and open linked CaseMap facts in CaseMap.

Use the Search pane to run basic keyword searches and full-text searches. The Full Text Search tab allows you to narrow your search by categories and limit your search to selected transcripts and/or case issues.

The tools you need to search, sort, edit, and analyze data as well as create reports are primarily performed by clicking on the ribbons or clicking on commands in the TextMap drop-down menus. All administrative tasks are located on TextMap menus.





You can print a hard copy of the TextMap user interface and number key by printing the TextMap Quick Reference Card.


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1.Navigation Pane

The Navigation pane runs vertically along the left side of TextMap and provides access to three different panes: Transcripts, Exhibits and Video, and Annotation Detail. Click on the buttons at the bottom of the Navigation pane to access each set of tools.

A.Task Pane Name

Displays the name of the pane that is currently open in the Navigation pane.

B.Transcripts Pane

Contains the names of the transcripts imported into the TextMap case. Displays at the top of each pane. Transcripts can be sorted by name, transcript date, or import date, and can be sorted in ascending or descending order.

C.Task Pane

Displays task panes for performing tasks specific to the selected pane. For example, the Exhibits and Video pane contains the Exhibit Tasks and Exhibits task panes.


Allows you to minimize the Navigation pane to expand the Transcript window for better viewing.

E.Navigation Buttons

Opens the task panes available within the Navigation pane.


Displays the case transcripts, annotations, and the Search pane.

F.Transcript Name

Contains the name of the transcript currently selected in the Transcripts pane.

G.Annotation Pane

Lists the annotations within the transcript currently selected in the Transcripts pane.

H.Transcript Window

Displays the transcript currently selected in the Transcripts pane.

I.Search Pane

Allows you to run keyword searches and full-text searches on transcripts within a case. Contains the Word Search and Full Text Search tabs.

3.Title Bar

The Title bar displays the name of the case currently open in TextMap.


The Ribbons (Home, Reports, Transcripts, Case Tools, and View) contains menu items and other commands for performing TextMap tasks.

Two additional ribbons (Text & Video Tools and the Search Tools ribbons) contains menus and buttons for Annotation management, and for opening and navigating search hits. See About TextMap menus for additional information.

5.Quick Access Tool Bar

The TextMap Quick Access toolbar can be customized to add and/or remove buttons/functionality. By default, the toolbar displays the most commonly used buttons.



The Quick Access Toolbar can be displayed above or below the TextMap ribbon by selecting the 'Show Quick Access Toolbar Below the Ribbon' option when customizing the toolbar.


6.Transcript Status Bar

Displays transcript status information, such as the current transcript and page count, and the current cursor location within the Transcript window.

7.Case Staff User

Displays the name of the user currently logged on to TextMap.

8.Index and OCR Status Icons

Displays the current indexing and optical character recognition (OCR) processing status.


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at:, or contact a support representative at 800.543.6862 (Option 2, then Option 4). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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