About the Navigation pane

The Navigation pane is a vertical pane located on the left side of your screen when you open a case in TextMap. TextMap's Navigation pane has three task panes. The default setup is to display the Transcripts pane. The Transcripts pane allows you to easily transfer from working in one case transcript to another. The Transcripts list is displays at the top of each pane.


TextMap's Navigation Pane




Use to navigate between case transcripts in TextMap.

Exhibits and Video

Use to navigate between case transcripts in TextMap, view videos synchronized with transcripts, link exhibits to transcripts, and view exhibits and other documents linked to the selected transcript.

Annotation Detail

Use to review the selected annotation's properties, notes, and linked issues, edit the selected annotation, send facts to CaseMap, review linked CaseMap fact details, and open linked CaseMap facts in CaseMap.

Arrow Button

Use to show/hide pane buttons to maximize viewing within the Navigation pane.


hmtoggle_plus1Transcripts pane

The Transcripts pane allows you to navigate between transcripts or transcript groups within a case. By default, transcripts are listed in alphabetical order by transcript name. Click the Arrange By button to choose whether transcripts are sorted by transcript name, transcript date, or import date. Click the Sort button to the right of the Arrange By button to toggle between sorting transcripts from ascending order or descending order.


Transcripts pane

hmtoggle_plus1Exhibits and Video pane

The Exhibits and Video pane has four task panes:

Transcripts pane Allows you to navigate between transcripts or transcript groups within a case.
Video pane Allows you to play the video depositions that are synchronized with the selected transcript.
Exhibit Tasks paneAllows you to link exhibits to the selected transcript and view exhibits and other documents linked to the selected transcript. Exhibits can be files on your computer, Web addresses, and custom links to other document management programs. The Open linked document feature is enabled when a linked exhibit or other linked document is selected in the Exhibits pane.
Exhibits pane — Displays the exhibits and other documents linked to the selected transcript, includes links to where the exhibits and documents are linked within the transcript. Allows you to navigate to the exhibit and document links within the transcript by clicking the link in the Exhibits task pane.


Exhibits and Video pane


hmtoggle_plus1Annotation Detail pane

The Annotation Detail pane has three tasks panes and a toolbar:

Transcripts pane Allows you to navigate between transcripts or transcript groups within a case.
Annotation Actions pane Allows you to edit the selected annotation, send a new fact to CaseMap (the fact will be linked to the current annotation), view the linked CaseMap fact details, and view the fact record in CaseMap that corresponds to the selected annotation.
Annotation Properties paneDisplays the annotation properties for the annotation currently selected in the Transcript window. The annotation properties include the transcript page and line numbers for the annotation location in the transcript, whether the annotation is linked to a fact record in the corresponding CaseMap case, any annotation notes, and the name of linked case issues and the color associated with each linked case issue.
Annotation Detail toolbar Allows you to navigate between annotations in the selected transcript.


Annotation Detail pane


hmtoggle_plus1Arrow button

Below the Annotation Detail button is the Arrow button, which allows you to collapse or expand buttons to maximize the pane view.

Arrow button


related_topics_buttonRelated Topics



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