About exhibits

Exhibits can be files on your computer, web addresses, and custom links to other document management programs. When you have a file that has been referred to as an exhibit during a transcript, you want that file to be linked wherever that exhibit is referred to in the transcript. You can link to exhibits using either the TextMap Exhibit Linker or the Auto Link Exhibit Wizard.


Link Exhibit Wizards include:

TextMap Exhibit Linker is used before you import transcripts into a TextMap case. This software is provided to court reporters, vendors, and law firm staff so that they can create TextMap Exhibit Packages (.xmef) which can then be imported into TextMap. These files already have the exhibit links embedded in the transcripts. TextMap also imports the linked exhibit PDFs during the import process.
The Auto Link Exhibit Wizard is used once you have already imported a transcript into TextMap. With this wizard, you can create a hyperlink to a file on your computer, a web address, or a link to another document management system in all places in the transcript where the exhibit is mentioned.


Hyperlinks for exhibit files display in the Exhibits and Video pane in the Exhibits pane for the selected transcript. When you click a page and line reference, TextMap displays that point in the transcript. You can view the exhibit by clicking the hyperlink in the transcript or by right-clicking on the exhibit link in the Exhibits pane and clicking Open. You must have the native application installed on your computer in order to view the file. See Adding/changing file viewers.

Exhibit files should be saved to a network folder to ensure that all case users have access to the files. For more information about file paths for both local and SQL cases, see Changing the case exhibits path.

To link exhibits or any other files to a single passage in the transcript, use the New Hyperlink Wizard. See Creating single hyperlinks in transcripts.



If you move exhibit files linked to a transcript, you will need to change the file paths in TextMap in order to preserve the hyperlinks. See Changing exhibit file paths.



If you need are working on a case while out of the office, create a replica case so you have access to all linked files and exhibits. Web sites and links to files in a document management systems will not transfer to a replica case. See Creating replica cases.


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