Viewing exhibits

View and navigate to hyperlinked exhibits in the Exhibits panel of the Exhibits and Video pane. Linked files that are not exhibits display under Other Linked Documents in the same pane.

Exhibits automatically sort in alphabetical order, but you can also sort exhibits and video by exhibit number.

You must have the native application installed on your computer in order to view the files. To add an application as a file viewer in TextMap, see Adding/changing file viewers.


hmtoggle_plus1To view and open exhibits
1.In the Navigation pane, click the Exhibits and Video button.

Exhibits and Video pane

2.In the Exhibits pane under Linked Exhibits, click the Expand button beside an exhibit to view the list of transcript hyperlinks.
3.Click on a link to open the transcript to the page/line number where the text link is located.
4.In the Transcript window, notice that a Paperclip icon displays next to the page/line number.

You can also right-click on the Exhibit link and click Open.

Viewing and opening exhibits

5.Click the Paperclip icon to view the hyperlink path for the linked file.

Path for linked exhibit

A pop-up window lists the exhibit location and the name and location of the linked file. The name and location is hyperlinked to the file.

You can also click Open linked document in the Exhibit Tasks panel.

6.Click the hyperlink to view the file in its native application.
7.When you are finished viewing the file, click Close.


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