Using TextMap Exhibit Linker

TextMap Exhibit Linker is tool used before you import transcripts into a TextMap case. This software is provided to court reporters, vendors, and law firm staff so that they can create TextMap Exhibit Packages (*.xmef), which can then be imported into TextMap. This simplifies the process of adding hyper-linked exhibit files to an ASCII or PTF text file of a deposition or other transcript.

TextMap Exhibit Linker creates a word index from the imported transcript file. You can then use the search pane to locate references to exhibits or other words. As you type a word, Exhibit Linker searches for and displays "hits" for the search along with page/line references that are hyperlinks to the word you're looking for. Place your mouse over a page/line reference and Exhibit Linker will give you a preview of the context you will find if you click the hyperlink.

TextMap Exhibit Linker must be installed before you can import transcripts into the case. To download TextMap Exhibit Linker, go to For more information about the product, see


hmtoggle_plus1To use TextMap Exhibit Linker

These steps are an overview of the import process. In TextMap Exhibit Linker, click the Help menu for complete instructions on how to use this software.

1.Open a transcript (ASCII text file).
2.Import linked exhibits to the file.
3.Save it in .xmef file format.
4.Email it to the user who imports the file into the TextMap case.


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