About videos

You can import video files like any other transcript in TextMap. When the import is complete the transcript displays in the Transcript List with a video icon that is different than the icon for text-only transcripts.

Videos play in TextMap with a cursor scrolling through the text in synch with the video because there are three components working at the same time: a video file (an .mpeg or .wmv), a text file, and a file with synchronization information.

You can search and annotate video transcripts just as you have done with other transcripts in the case. In addition, you can use the Edit Video dialog box to make a snippet associated with an annotation a little shorter or longer.

Before you can play back transcript video in TextMap, you must first have the transcript synchronized with the video. TextMap does not synchronize the video and the transcript for you. Usually your court reporter or videographer can perform the video synchronization service for you. When you schedule a video deposition with court reporters, make sure to ask if they can perform the video synchronization service and provide the synchronized transcript in a format that TextMap can import.


hmtoggle_plus1Learn about video file types you can import

Reference the following table for a list of the standard formats for importing transcripts with synchronized video that are supported by TextMap.

Import Video Files Types

File Types

File Extensions


Sanction (preferred)


Most video synchronization service providers should be able to produce this format.

*.mdb files have the text and synch information that TextMap needs. You will need the video file for the transcript too.

YesLaw CDs (preferred)

*.mdb and *.vid

YesLaw CDs include both the *.mdb and *.vid files. TextMap looks automatically for video files to play on your CD drive.

LiveNote Portable Transcript Format with Video

*.ptf and *.vid

Most video synchronization service providers should be able to produce this format. You can also get this format from exporting from LiveNote or TextMap.

*.ptf files have the text and a *.vid file with synch info for an individual transcript that TextMap needs.  You will need the video file for the transcript too. *.ptf files can imported as you would import a text (.txt) file. TextMap automatically imports the video (.vid) format and the synchronization information.

TextMap Exhibit Packages


TextMap Exhibit Packages can be created from an *.mdb and *.ptf-sw with *.vid.

*.xmef files made with TextMap Exhibit Linker from video transcript .mdb or .ptf files include transcript text, hyperlinked exhibits, and video synch data. You will need the video files for the transcripts too.

Portable Case Format


You can get this format by exporting from LiveNote or TextMap.

*.pcf files have the text and synch info that TextMap needs for more than one transcript. You will need the video files for the transcripts too.

Esquire Video Project


Esquire Video Project files include the following: transcript text with video time stamps, transcript videos, and exhibit links.

The exhibit files are not stored in the *.evp file. If the *.evp file is on a CD, the exhibit files should be in an Exhibits folder on the CD.  The exhibits can be imported into TextMap separately using the normal exhibit linking process. For more information on exhibit linking, see Auto Link Exhibit Wizard and TextMap Exhibit Linker.


TextMap does not support importing LiveNote Exhibit Format (*.lef).



If you have a text file and a video that are not synchronized into a Sanction *.mdb file for import, you can contact a company that can combine the video recording of the deposition and the transcript into the Sanction format. Look for a company that advertises video depositions or multi-media depositions.



It is not possible to simply import a video file from a camcorder. TextMap requires a video file, a text file, and time coding information in order to synchronize video with text. Sanction .mdb files contain each of these.




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