Changing video file paths

The video path is where TextMap looks for video files. The Case Video Paths dialog box allows you to add additional file paths to search other locations on your system or network where videos might be stored.


hmtoggle_plus1To add or change video paths
1.On the File menu, click Case Setup, and then click Case Properties.
2.In the Case Properties dialog box, click Video Paths.
3.On the Case Video Paths tab, click Add to add another location for TextMap to search.

Case Video Paths > Case Paths tab

You can organize this list and edit it as needed.

4.On the Auto Search Drives tab, select or clear check boxes for drives you want to search for video files.

Case Video Paths > Auto Search Drives tab

The DVD Drive and Search entire disc on CDs and DVDs check boxes are selected by default.

5.Click OK to save any changes.


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