Updating existing facts in CaseMap

Once annotations have been sent as new facts to CaseMap, you can still update these existing fact records while working in TextMap. For example, when reviewing a transcript you might locate the source for the fact you already sent to CaseMap. You can easily update the fact record with this information.

You must have the related CaseMap case already open in order to update existing fact records in CaseMap. You must also select the fact record that you want to update.


hmtoggle_plus1To update existing fact records in CaseMap
1.In CaseMap, open the corresponding case for which you want to update fact text.
2.On the CaseMap Facts spreadsheet, select the fact record for which you want to add an additional source.
3.In TextMap, select the case transcript you are working with by clicking its name in the Transcripts list.

The transcript text you want to send to CaseMap must first be an annotation in TextMap. If it is not annotated text, highlight the transcript text and then right-click on it and click Annotate in TextMap. You can type in a note or link to case issues too. Click OK to save the annotation. See Creating annotations.

4.Click Options on the Text & Video Tools ribbon, and then click Advanced.
5.On the submenu, click Update Existing Fact in CaseMap.
6.In the message to replace the existing link to the fact record, click OK.
7.In the Send to CaseMap - Edit Fact dialog box, verify that the transcript text displays in the Text Selection box.
8.Complete additional field information for the fact record, then click OK.

The fact record is now updated in CaseMap and a link back to the annotated text is now set to its page/line number in the transcript in TextMap.



You can link multiple annotations to the same fact record in CaseMap using the procedures above.



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