Navigating Sanction

This topic describes the major functional areas of Sanction.

hmtoggle_plus1The FILE tab


Interface element


1. Previous tab

If a case is open, this returns to the previous tab.

2. FILE tab menus



Import exhibits, media, transcripts, or exhibit load files. Overview of Importing
Rename exhibits, generate exhibit numbers and Bates numbers.Wizards for Renaming, Renumbering, and Bates Numbering
Apply exhibit stamps. Exhibit Stamps .
Export exhibits, media clips, and playlists. Exporting Exhibits, Media Clips, and Playlists
View folder paths to the case file and folder. Change the Default Case Path
View file version and set media paths. Preferred Media Paths


Select a recently opened case, browse to an existing case, or open a new case. Create, Open, and Pin Cases
Pin a case to the case list.
Access the sample case. Sample Sanction Case


Close the currently open case.


Set the default case folder. Change the Default Case Path
Set options for annotations and for the presentation windows. Setting Presentation Options


Open product documentation. For information about sending the Sanction documentation team feedback about this help system, see: About Sanction Help.


View version information, product registration information, and the end-user license agreement (EULA).


Start the product activation wizard. Activation

3. Help

Opens the product documentation on the Web.

4. Sample Case

Provides a sample case to use for experimentation and learning.

hmtoggle_plus1HOME tab button groupings





For more information see:


Import items.
Create new folders.
Create screen captures.


Rename items and folders.
Add pages to an exhibit.
Update existing pages or edit item properties.
Delete items.

Add To

Add the currently selected item to a presentation.
Create a new presentation from a selected item.


Open presentations.
Immediately open the selected item in the presentation window.


Export exhibits, clips, and playlists.
Print exhibits.


Search for items by item properties, such as name, exhibit number, trial number, Bates number, or description.
Search items by admit- or transcript date.



To search for text within a transcript, open the transcript first and use the search bar. For more information, see: Searching Transcript Text







hmtoggle_plus1VIEW tab button groupings





Adjust the placement of exhibit details.
Change the visibility of the navigation bars.

See: Customizing the Layout.


Show presentations on a second display, such as an external monitor or projector. See: Presenting on a Second Display




hmtoggle_plus1IMAGE TOOLS tab button groupings





Select annotations.
Create tear outs. See: Tear Out Tool.
Employ crop and zoom tools, and magnify an area of the screen. See: Set the Zoom and Page View.
Pan sn exhibit across the exhibit viewer.
Erase annotations.


Create annotations. See: Annotations


Set the line weight, line color, and fill color for annotations that support those properties.


Place annotations on different layers.
Change the visibility of layers.
Set the visibility of annotation layers.

See: Annotation Layers.

You can also rotate an exhibit in the exhibit viewer or print an exhibit. For more detailed information about this and about options for  individual tools, see: Annotations.

hmtoggle_plus1Exhibits area


interface element


1. Case properties panel

Right-click the panel to access the case media paths and case properties. Preferred Media Paths

2. Default exhibit folders

These folders are created for you when you create a case. They cannot be moved, renamed, or deleted.

The Captures folder is where Sanction puts the screen captures that you make of exhibits. Screen Captures and Default Folders and Item Types
The Text Clips folder is where Sanction puts images that you clip from sections of transcripts. Text Clips
The Timelines folder is where Sanction puts timelines.
The Video Stills folder is where Sanction puts still images that you create from video frames. Video Stills

3. A user folder

In the screen capture above, My Folder is an example of a user-created folder.

User folders can be renamed, moved, or deleted as needed.

See: User Folders.

4. Navigation bars

These provide access to folders for exhibits, media, transcripts, and presentations. For descriptions of these, see Media area, Transcript area, and Presentation area sections in this topic.

5. Navigation Pane minimize button

This button minimizes the navigation pane. Use this as an alternative to the VIEW menu, Navigation Pane selection.

See: Customizing the Layout

6.  Exhibit item list

Select an item to view it in the exhibit page viewer.

A list of pages for the selected exhibit are shown in the page list.


7. Exhibit page viewer

Provides a view of the currently selected exhibit page. Provides controls for paging and zooming.

8. Layout controls

These controls adjust the page position and magnification.

9. Page details

Select a page to view its page number and to preview it.

10. Item details hide/show button

Select this to hide or expand the item details panel.


hmtoggle_plus1Media area


interface element


1. Media folders

The Media folder and its Videos subfolder are created by default.

You can create folders in the Media folder.*

2. Playlist folder

This folder contains the playlists you create. Note that when you click the Playlist folder, the New Folder button on the ribbon changes to New Playlist.*

3. Media item list

This is a list of the media items contained in the selected folder.*

4. Clip Creator

This is the tool you use to create media clips. See: Media Clips.

5. Media player

With the Media player, you can play media, clips, and playlists, and create video stills.*

6. Clip list

This is a list of all the clips that have been created from the currently selected item in the media item list.*

*See: Default Folders and Item Types, Playlists, and Media Clips.


hmtoggle_plus1Transcripts area


interface element


1. Transcript list

Lists all the transcripts that have been imported into the case.

2. Paging controls

Using these controls, you can: page through the transcript one page at a time, go to the first or last page, or go to a page by typing.

3. Transcript name

This is the name of the currently selected transcript.

4. Search bar

Using this tool, you can type a search term and then go to each instance of that term in the transcript. See: Searching Transcript Text.

5. Media item name

In transcripts with synchronized media, this is the name of the media item. By default, the media item name is drawn from its source file name minus the file extension.

6. Clip list

In transcripts with synchronized media, this is a list of all the clips that have been created from the currently selected synchronized transcript. See: Media Clips and Playlists.

7. Media player

In transcripts with synchronized media, you can use the Media player to play media, clips, and playlists, and to create video stills. When used in conjunction with the clip creator, you can use the media player to set start- and stop times for media clips. See: Media Clips, Playlists, and Video Stills.

8. Clip Creator

In transcripts with synchronized media, you can use this to create media clips.

9. Transcript window

With the transcript window, you can select text and then right-click to create a text clip.

In addition, if the transcript has synchronized media, when you right-click a selection, you can create a media clip.

For more information on the controls, see: Media Clips, Playlists, and Synchronized Transcripts.

And, Default Folders and Item Types.


hmtoggle_plus1Presentations area


interface element


1. Default Presentation

This is the presentation that built into each case. It cannot be renamed or deleted.

2. A user-created presentation

In the screen capture above, Hawkins Examination is an example of a presentation created by a user, as opposed to the Default Presentation, which is a blank presentation that is built into every case.

3. Navigation bars

Use these to switch to other functional areas of Sanction.

4. Presentation item list

This is the list of items in the currently selected presentation.

5. Add to Presentation

Adds the currently selected item to the presentation of your choice.

6. Presentation

Opens the currently selected presentation.

7. Show item

Opens the currently selected item in a presentation.

8. Item viewer window

Shows a preview of the currently selected item. Switches modes between exhibit viewer, media viewer, transcript viewer, or synchronized transcript viewer, depending on the item type selected.

9. Layout tools

Provides options fit and zoom the selected image in the viewer.

For more information on these controls, see: Creating a Presentation , Adding and Removing Items , and Opening and Closing Presentations.


hmtoggle_plus1Presentation window


interface element


1. Item windows

You can present up to four items simultaneously. The screen shot shows the presentation window hosting 3 item windows: a time line image, a synchronized transcript, and a document exhibit.See: Displaying Multiple Item Windows.

2. Item window controls

Each item window is equipped with its own set of controls:

PresentationWindowItemSelection Select items to display by typing or by selecting from a list.

PresentationWindowAnnotationToolGallery Open the annotation tool gallery.

PresentationWindowExhibitLayout Adjust the page layout and access the annotation layers for an exhibit. See: Setting Presentation Options, and Annotation Layers .

3. Presentation taskbar

Provides tools for you to control the presentation. The task bar can be hidden or otherwise configured. For more information, see: Setting Presentation Options.

4. Presentation selector

Lists all the presentations in the case.

Select this to:

Switch from presentation to presentation.
Close the presentation window. See: Opening and Closing Presentations.
Create a new presentation directly.


5. Task bar items

Each task bar item corresponds to an open item window.

A blue border around the item name indicates the item is the one that is active in the presentation window.

6. Presentation window controls

The presentation window is equipped with a set of controls:

PresentationWindowPagingLeftRightArrows  The next- and previous item buttons move back and forward between items in the presentation.

PresentationWindowItemSelection  The item selector button is used to:

Select items to display from a list of the items in the presentation.
Access a search box for opening an item by typing a name, exhibit number, trial exhibit number or Bates number.
Create screen captures.

PresentationWindowPanels   The layout button changes the maximum number of item windows that may be open at once. The options are: Full Screen, Side-by-Side, 3 Across, and 4 Quadrants.

PresentationWindowPlus-DisplayModeEnabledCU   Use the display mode button to apply the next- and previous item buttons to different item windows. This button also controls whether a new item window will open even if the maximum has not been reached.

PresentationWindowToolsButton   The presentation options button is used to access preferences that govern item display, item borders, media playback, task bar options, and synchronized text.

For more information on these controls, see: Controlling Item Presentation.



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