Overview of Importing

With Sanction, you can import common file formats used in courtroom presentations for exhibits, media, and transcripts.

This topic lists the file types you can import into Sanction and the internal folder that holds each type of file. This topic also describes the options you have for importing exhibits and media files singly or by the folder. The ways in which Sanction handles importing duplicate files is also described.

hmtoggle_plus1Supported file types

The file formats you can import into Sanction are listed as follows:

Item type

Supported file formats


Bitmap .bmp

Gif .gif

Jpeg .jpg, .jpeg

Portable Document Format .pdf

Png .png

Tif .tif, .tiff


Sanction imports and supports playback of the following media file formats:

Video .avi, .mpg, and .wmv Note that .mov is also supported but requires Apple QuickTime® for replay.

Audio .mp3, .wav. wma


Media file formats other than those listed here, for example MP4 video, may also be imported. However playback of these files may require additional codecs to be installed on your computer.

For more information about codecs for Windows® Media Player 12 and Windows 7, see the Windows 7 Codec FAQ page.



Portable transcript .ptf

Text .txt

TextMap® Evidence Format .xmef

TextMap Portable Transcript .xmptf

Sanction MDB .mdb


hmtoggle_plus1Options for importing files and folders

Options for importing files and folders depend on whether you are importing exhibits, media, or transcripts.

When importing exhibits or media, you can select any combination of individual files and folders. When importing a folder, you have the option to include all subfolders.
When importing transcripts, you select one or more transcripts at a time from the same folder. If you want to import transcripts from a different folder from the first, you have to run a second import session.
hmtoggle_plus1How duplicates are handled

If you import a file that has the same file name as one you already imported, Sanction adds "-dup" to the name of the newly imported item.

This rule holds whether or not the second file is of a different type as the first. For example, if a file named SomeDeposition.txt is imported, it will appear in the transcript list as SomeDeposition. After that, if a different file named SomeDeposition.mdb is imported, it will appear in the list as SomeDeposition-dup.

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Need additional help? Email the Sanction Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 877.301.0344. The Sanction Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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