Quick Start Guide

For those new to Sanction®, this topic provides a basic workflow you can use to put together and run your first presentation. Links to the main topics that represent each step in the workflow are provided. To try the main steps on your own, consider opening the sample case that comes with Sanction. Or create your own test case and populate it with documents, images, media, and transcripts of your choosing.

Tasks listed under More things to try, represent suggested next steps to try after you have completed the major steps.



To start Sanction, click the Start menu, click All Programs, click LexisNexis CaseMap Suite, and then click LexisNexis Sanction.



You can also download a PDF of Sanction Keyboard Shortcuts.



Step 1. Create your case.

Create, Open, and Pin Cases

Other things to try out in this step:


Open the sample case to practice.

Sample Sanction Case

Change the default location where cases will be saved.

Change the Default Case Path

Create folders in your case to help keep exhibits and media organized.

User Folders

Step 2. Import exhibits, media, and transcripts

Importing Exhibits

Importing Media

Importing Transcripts

Other things to try out in this step:


Configure Sanction to find media for your case in any folder path on your computer.

Preferred Media Paths


Step 3. Prepare exhibits for presentation.

Annotation Tools

Other things to try out in this step:


Show layers of annotations to help reinforce your point.

Annotation Layers

Create a screen capture, which is a new exhibit you make from an existing exhibit.

Screen Captures

Create a video still, which is a new exhibit you make from a single frame of video.

Video Stills


Rename or renumber your exhibits individually or in batches.

Editing Item Properties

Wizards for Renaming, Renumbering, and Bates Numbering

Stamp exhibits with page names, exhibit or trial numbers, or Bates numbers.

Exhibit Stamps

Step 4. Prepare media for presentation.

Media Clips


Step 5. Prepare transcripts for presentation.

Create a text clip, which is a new exhibit you make from the text of an exhibit.
Create media clips from a synchronized transcript.


Text Clips

Synchronized Transcripts

Other things to try out in this step:

Search for transcript text.

Searching Transcript Text


Step 6. Create your presentation.

Creating a Presentation

Adding and Removing Items


Other things to try out in this step:

After adding items to your presentation, you can change the sequence in which they will be presented.
Prior to running a presentation, review the options you can set for running presentations.


Changing Item Presentation Sequence

Setting Presentation Options

Step 7. Run your presentation.

Opening and Closing the Presentation Window

Controlling Item Presentation

Other things to try out in this step:


Start, pause, and stop playback, of media, clips, and playlists.

Media Playback

Add items to your presentation in real time.

Using the Show Item Command

Display 2, 3, or 4 items at the same time in the presentation window.

Displaying Multiple Item Windows

Annotate an exhibit in real time.

Annotating in Real Time


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