Display Multiple Item Windows

You can split the presentation window into multiple item windows to simultaneously present up to 4 different items at a time. The setting that determines this number is called the View Mode.

View Modes

You can set the View Mode to:

Full Screen
Side By Side
3 Across
4 Quadrants.


Where can the View Mode be set?

You can change the View Mode either from the main program window (HOME > Presentations > View Mode button group, which is active only when a presentation is showing. Or you can change the View Mode from within the presentation window itself.


View Mode can be set in HOME > Presentations > View Mode button group.



View Mode can also be set in the Presentation Window


How the View Mode works

The View Mode determines the behavior of the presentation window in these ways:

View Mode sets the upward limit to the number of item windows that can open. This term, upward limit is used here because the presentation screen always opens in Full Screen. If a different View Mode (Side By Side, 3 Across, or 4 Quadrant) is selected, the presentation window only divides into Side By Side, 3 Across, etc., each time you click the next item button. However, you can override this behavior by unlocking the Display Mode, which is discussed later in this topic.
As more item windows open, View Mode locks the action of the next and previous item buttons onto the most-recently opened item window. For example, if you set the View Mode to 3 Across, once the third item window is opened, the next and previous item buttons only act upon the third item window.

It is possible to override this behavior and move between items in a different item window by unlocking the Display Mode. This is discussed next in this topic.


Overriding the View Mode by unlocking the Display Mode

When the View Mode is set to Side By Side, 3 Across, or 4 Quadrants, you can temporarily suspend new item windows from opening before you have reached the maximum allowed for that View Mode setting. You can also page through items in whichever item window is open, not just the most recently opened item window.

The setting you use to make these changes during your presentation is called the Display Mode.


How the Display Mode works

The Display Mode can be set to locked or unlocked. By default, it is set to locked. Unlocking the Display Mode has the immediate effect of preventing new item windows from opening. Unlocking the Display Mode also allows you to change the focus of the next and previous item buttons, so that clicking these buttons will effect whichever item window you select.


Where can the Display Mode be set?

Like the View Mode, you can control the Display Mode either from the main program window (HOME > Presentations > Display Mode button group) or from within the presentation window itself.

hmtoggle_plus1To split the screen from the main program window
1.Open the presentation on a second display.
2.In the main program window, on the HOME tab, click the Presentations navigation bar.


In the View Mode button group, by default Full Screen mode is selected.

3.Click the View Mode that you want your presentation to display.
4.Switch to the presentation window.
5.Click PresentationWindowNextItem.

Each time PresentationWindowNextItem is clicked, a new item window opens, populated with the next item in the presentation.

hmtoggle_plus1To split the screen from within the presentation window
1.Open your presentation.
2.In the presentation window, click the View Mode button.


3.Click the View Mode that you want your presentation to display.


4.Click PresentationWindowNextItem.


Each time PresentationWindowNextItem is clicked, a new item window opens, populated with the next item in the presentation.

hmtoggle_plus1To unlock Display Mode from the main program window
1.Open a presentation on a second display.
2.In the main program window, on the HOME tab, click the Presentations navigation bar.


In the View Mode button group, by default Full Screen mode is selected.


The Display Mode is locked

3.Set the View Mode to either Side By Side, 3 Across, or 4 Quadrant.
4.Switch to the presentation window.
5.Click PresentationWindowNextItem until you have the number of item windows you want open.
6.Switch to the main program window.
7.Click Display Mode.


The Display Mode is unlocked

8.Return to the presentation window.
9.Click any item window.
10. On the presentation toolbar, click the next or previous item button.


The next or previous item is displayed in the selected item window.

11.Click any other item window.
12. Click the next or previous item button.


The next or previous item is displayed in the selected item window.If needed, return to the main program window and then click Display Mode again to lock it.

hmtoggle_plus1To set the Display Mode from the presentation window
1.Open a presentation.
2.In the presentation window, click the View Mode button.


3.Click the View Mode that you want your presentation to display.


4.Click PresentationWindowNextItem until you have the number of item window open that you want.


Each time PresentationWindowNextItem is clicked, a new item window opens, populated with the next item in the presentation. Note that in the screen capture above, the Display Mode is locked.

5.Click the Display Mode button to unlock the Display Mode.


Display Mode is unlocked

6.Click any item window.
7.Click the next or previous item button.

The next or previous item, relative to the item window, opens in the selected item window.

hmtoggle_plus1Example: showing 3 items simultaneously

These steps illustrate how to present 3 items simultaneously. The screen captures in the procedure are provided as examples.

1.Open a new presentation that has 3 or more items in it.
2.In the presentation window, click PresentationWindowNextItem.


The first item in the presentation opens.


3.In the presentation window, click the View Mode button.


4.Select 3 Across.


The maximum number of item windows that can be open at one time will be 3

5.Click PresentationWindowNextItem.


The presentation window is now divided into 2 item windows. The newly opened item window shows the second item in the presentation.


6.Click PresentationWindowNextItem again.


The presentation window is now divided into 3 item windows, the maximum that can be opened with the 3 Across view mode. This third item window shows the third item in the presentation.

Each time you click PresentationWindowNextItem again, the next item in the presentation will load in the third item window. For example, in the screen shot above, if the next item arrow is clicked again, the timeline image will be replaced by the next item in the presentation. The item windows showing the synchronized transcript and the letter will not change.

hmtoggle_plus1To reassign the next and previous item buttons to a different item window
1.In the presentation window, set the View Mode to Side By Side, 3 Across, or 4 Quadrants.
2.Repeatedly click PresentationWindowNextItem to open multiple item windows until the maximum number of item windows is open.
3.Click the Display Mode button so that it is unlocked.


Display Mode is locked


Display mode is unlocked.

4.Select the item window you want to use the next and previous item buttons on.
5.Click PresentationWindowNextItem and PresentationWindowPreviousItem to move between items in the selected item window.



If the Display Mode is unlocked, it is possible for the same item in the presentation to be shown in two different item windows at the same time.

In this situation, clicking PresentationWindowPreviousItem  will effect the window that first opened the shared item. regardless of which item window is selected.


hmtoggle_plus1To suspend the maximum number of item windows that can open
1.Click the Display Mode button so that it is unlocked.


Display Mode is locked


Display mode is unlocked.

The maximum number of item windows that may be opened is set to the current number of item windows open.

hmtoggle_plus1Using book paging

You can flip though the items in your presentation like flipping through the pages of a book. This can be helpful when presenting the pages of a deposition of other multi-page print documents.

1.Open the presentation you want to flip through.
2.Press Ctrl+J.

The first item in the presentation is displayed.

3.Press Ctrl+J.

The presentation window changes to side-by-side view mode. The first item is in the left ttem window, the second in the right.

4.Press Ctrl+J.

The presentation continues to flip forward, page by page.


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