About spreadsheet fields

CaseMap uses fields to store and display information about case elements. Each spreadsheet has many pre-defined fields associated with it and displays the most commonly used in view as columns. You can insert additional fields into a spreadsheet view, depending on your needs. You may also create custom fields to capture case-specific information. The custom fields you create work just like the fields in CaseMap.

Custom fields also appear in spreadsheet views and detail dialog boxes, and can be used to filter and tag spreadsheet data. As with any field, custom fields print on reports as long as they are displaying in spreadsheet view.



Place your mouse mouse pointer over a field header to view field descriptions and specific properties, such as read-only or non-sortable.



If you are using CaseMap Server and have a SQL case open, you may not have permissions granted for creating and deleting spreadsheet fields. If so, these features will be disabled or grayed out in the Select Field(s) to Insert dialog box.


hmtoggle_plus1Field values are stored information

A field's "value" refers to the information stored in a field's cell for a particular fact, object, issue, or question record. Fields store the same information for each spreadsheet record. For example, a field in the Facts spreadsheet will store the same type of information (dates, Material status, linked files, etc.) for each fact record entered in this spreadsheet.

hmtoggle_plus1Learn the four field types

There are four types of fields in CaseMap. Each case contains multiple fields for each of these types. Each field can be named specific to the information it contains. You can only enter information in Trait and Evaluation fields. CaseMap enters and updates information in the # fields and Update History fields.

For a complete listing of the fields and types of fields in each spreadsheet, see the following field listings: Issues, Facts, Objects, Questions, and Research.

CaseMap's Field Types




Captures objective information for each case record. Data fields allow text entry for letters, numbers, characters, or check box selections (Yes/No). Text entries have character limitations that vary.

Create custom Trait fields to augment CaseMap's predefined fields.


Captures assessment information for case records. Fields display a fixed listing of evaluation values. The scale for facts, objects, and issues is Weight. The scale for questions is Criticality.

Create custom Evaluation fields for each author to augment CaseMap's predefined fields. Then use the Evaluation Comparison tool on the Records menu to determine if evaluations are consistent or divergent.

# (Number)

Counts the relationships between different types of case information, such as a link between a person and a fact. Fields allow for linking to short name elements as data entry occurs. Fields with a number sign (hash mark) in the field name (# Facts field) count the number of links between case elements.

These fields are useful in reports for displaying information based on these counts. You cannot create custom # fields.

Update History

Tracks information for when a case record was created or updated, and who created or update it.

CaseMap automatically captures update history when a user enters information in a record. You cannot create custom Update History fields.

hmtoggle_plus1Fields display in three locations

Fields display in three locations in CaseMap: spreadsheet views, list dialog boxes, and detail dialog boxes.

Fields function exactly the same way whether they appear as a column in a spreadsheet or as a row in a detail dialog boxes. If you type information into a field in a spreadsheet, then you will type information in that field too if it displays in a detail dialog boxes. If you select information in a field in a spreadsheet, then you will select information in that same field in displaying in a detail dialog boxes. However, you cannot enter or update field information in list dialog boxes. List dialog boxes display information as read-only.

CaseMap Field Display




Fields display as columns. You can determine what fields display in view and arrange the order in which they appear.

List dialog boxes

Fields display as columns and are fixed fields; the same fields always display. For example, the Fact List dialog box always displays the Date & Time field, the Fact Text field, and the Source(s) field. Read-only.

Double-click in a # field to access a list dialog box.

Detail dialog boxes

Displays all fields associated with a particular case element. Fields display as rows listed alphabetically. Click the Record Detail button on the Standard toolbar to access a record's detail dialog box.

hmtoggle_plus1Field considerations to note

Reference the following table for an overview of spreadsheet field structure, depending on type.

Field Considerations



Description CM_chain_link_field_icon

Holds up to 10,000 characters or 5.5-6 pages of single text (by default). Recognizes short names. Cannot sort data.

* You can increase the number of characters for this field to more than 10,000 by changing the field value.


Holds up to 35 characters. Does not recognize short names. Sortable.

Number fields

Drops the lead 0. Rounds numbers with decimals.

Number (Integer and Currency)

Cannot remove the $ or decimal.

Fixed lists

Displays field values in a drop-down list that is not editable.

Open-ended field lists (+)

Open-ended field lists display a plus sign in the field header. Displays field values in a drop-down list that can be  augmented by users.

# Fields

Fields that count the relationships between different types of case information, such as a link between a person and a fact. These fields are useful in reports for displaying information based on these counts. You cannot create custom # fields.

Chain link fields

Fields that have a chain link in the header are fields that recognize short names.

Gray fields

Fields that have a different background color, like gray, are read-only. You cannot enter or update information in these fields. For example, # fields and Update History fields are read-only as CaseMap automatically updates this information for you.

hmtoggle_plus1# fields count links between case elements

# fields all begin with a number or hash mark symbol. These fields count the relationships between different types of case elements in a case and display the resulting count (67 facts linked to Fraud issue). # fields also help you explore the connections between facts and issues, between objects and issues, and between facts and objects. # fields are read-only and created for CaseMap. You cannot create your own custom # fields.



You can filter and tag spreadsheet views based on values in a # field. For example, you can filter the Objects spreadsheet so that only those objects linked to 25 or more facts display.


There are two types of # fields: basic and filtered. A basic # field counts all links between two case elements (58 facts linked to Wrongful Termination issue). A filtered # field counts only those links that meet certain criteria. For example, the # Undisputed Facts field counts the number of undisputed facts linked to each issue on the Issues spreadsheet (23 undisputed facts linked to the Wrongful Termination issue).

Double-click in a # field cell or click the Ellipsis button to display a list dialog box detailing all records represented in the field count. You can also print, print to PDF, or export the data in the list dialog box if needed.  Fields displayed in a list dialog box can be customized by clicking on a field header.

List window example

# fields display as columns in the Facts, Objects, Issues, and Research - Authorities spreadsheets. Like other CaseMap fields, you determine what views display # fields and can arrange the order in which they display. # fields also display in the Fact, Object, and Issue dialog boxes. # fields do not display on the Questions spreadsheet or in the Question dialog boxes.

CaseMap recounts the links and updates the field count each time a spreadsheet is refreshed. If you have a slower machine, CaseMap's ability to refresh the # field count can be compromised when you display three or more # fields in a spreadsheet view.

hmtoggle_plus1Evaluation fields track case strengths and weaknesses

Evaluation fields are used to analyze and communicate the records in a case for strengths and weaknesses. Instead of entering text, symbols are selected to indicate Weight for facts, objects, and issues, or Criticality for questions. Use evaluation fields to track and compare your estimates of the case compared to other case staff.

CaseMap automatically creates Evaluation fields, by default, for the Questions spreadsheet. If you want to use an Evaluation field on the Facts, Issues, or any object spreadsheets, you must create it yourself in the Field Properties dialog box as would create any new field. There is no limit to the number of Evaluation fields that can be created.



If you have the same case staff working on the same types of cases, you may want to consider making a case template that includes the Evaluation fields you find most useful to use in new cases (instead of using the default case template). Doing so will save you time in re-creating these fields for each new case.


Evaluation fields display in spreadsheet views, detail dialog boxes, and in the Evaluation Comparison dialog box. In spreadsheet views, Evaluation fields display as columns. In detail dialog boxes, Evaluation fields display as rows. In the Evaluation Comparison dialog box, you choose two Evaluations fields to display to compare their values.

CaseMap uses the Criticality scale for the Evaluation field on the Questions spreadsheet. The Criticality field values are shown in the following screen shot.

Evaluation field for questions

If you create your own custom Evaluation field, the scale provided is Weight. The Evaluation field's values are shown in the following screen shot. If you create more than one Evaluation field for a spreadsheet, the field values will be the same so it's best to have a distinct name for each field you create.

Evaluation field for facts

Evaluation field information can be sorted, used in a search filter, and tagged. Sort information in Evaluation fields to view the scale values by symbol type. Evaluation fields can be selected in a search filter and the results can be tagged. For example, you can sort on the Criticality field on the Questions spreadsheet to list the most critical questions first . You can also sort an Evaluation field created on the Facts spreadsheet so you can view all facts that weigh Heavily Against Us first.

For more information, see Changing the field sort order, Performing basic searches, Tagging case records.

Having multiple Evaluation fields based on the same scale allows you to compare evaluations with other case staff. To do this, create a spreadsheet view that includes one or more of your own Evaluation fields, as well as those made by other case staff. When you view this spreadsheet, review the field values for each record to where evaluations match or differ. You can also use the Evaluation Comparison dialog box to perform a more thorough analysis of the similarities and differences among team evaluations.

For more information, see About evaluation tools, Creating custom evaluation fields, Comparing evaluation fields.


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 1-800-833-3346 (option 3). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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