Accessing detail and list dialog boxes

Detail and list dialog boxes provide additional case record data that you can update or review.


hmtoggle_plus1Detail dialog boxes

Detail dialog boxes make it easy to view and update all information in a case for one particular fact, object, or other case element at a time. Differences between detail dialog boxes for different spreadsheet records are minor. Once you learn how to use a detail dialog box for one type of case element, you know how to use it for the others. Click the Record Detail button on the Standard toolbar to access a record's detail dialog box.


Fields display as rows listed alphabetically. Click on the bars at the bottom of the window to view the fields for that type: Trait, Evaluation, # (Link Summary), and Update History. You can enter and update record information in detail dialog boxes just as you would in a spreadsheet.

Detail window


hmtoggle_plus1List dialog boxes

List dialog boxes, like spreadsheets, display some of the fields for a case record or element, but not all. List dialog boxes display fields as columns and can be customized the same as you would in spreadsheet view. Fields in a list dialog box are for reference and are read-only. You can print or export information in a list dialog box as needed. Double-click in a # field to open a list dialog box.

List window



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