Performing basic filters

CaseMap has two basic filtering types that allow you to quickly locate a key word or phrases in a field or filter records by type in a spreadsheet.


Basic filtering includes two types:

Key word filters in a field (up to 37 levels deep)
Filtering spreadsheet records by a selection


hmtoggle_plus1To filter by a key word in a field

You can run key word filters up to 37 levels deep, though any more than three is probably unnecessary. If you type in a root word, your results will capture all instances of this entry. For example, if you enter "sale", your results will also include all instances of "sales".

1.In the Case Shortcuts pane, click on the icon for the spreadsheet you want to use.
2.Right-click in a field you want to filter.
3.In the shortcut menu, type in the key words you want to locate in the Selection field, then click Filter by Selection.

Filter by key words example

Notice that the records in your spreadsheet are now reduced to only those that contain the key words you entered.

4.On the Filter status bar, click the Cancel button to refresh the spreadsheet and run a new filter.
hmtoggle_plus1To filter by field value
1.In the Case Shortcuts pane, click on the icon for the spreadsheet you want to use.
2.Right-click in a field you want to filter.
3.In the shortcut menu, click on the field value you want to use as a filter, then click Filter by Selection.


Notice that the number of records displaying in your spreadsheet is now reduced to only those with the field value selection you chose. Also notice that the current filter displays on the spreadsheet title bar.

4.To add another filter to the previous one, right-click in another field and click on a new status.


5.In the Combining Two Filters dialog box, select the Show me only the common elements of both (AND) option, then click OK.

Combining Two Filters

Notice that only records that contain both filter selections now display in the spreadsheet view.

6.Click the Save button on the spreadsheet title bar if you want to save this filter to run again in the future.
7.On the Filter status bar, click the Cancel button  to refresh the spreadsheet.

Notice that when you refresh the spreadsheet to view all records, the records are still sorted with the primary search selection. To adjust the spreadsheet, change the sort order or run a new filter.

For more information, see Saving filters and Changing the field sort order.


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