About filtering

Filtering in CaseMap allows you to cull data to produce reports or save filters to rerun later when additional information is added to the case. Records that meet the criterion of your filter remain in view on the current spreadsheet; while other records are temporarily hidden from view.

When you run a filter, a Filter status bar displays at the top of the spreadsheet pane, indicating what filter(s) you have in place and the number of records filtered. The Cancel and Save buttons are located here too.


Filter status bar


There are three main types of filters:

Instant Filter — Use for simple filters like a key word or phrase, such as filtering the Facts spreadsheet to only display undisputed fact records. Simply right-click on any field data and click Filter by Selection.
Guided Filter — Use Filter menu options to run pre-built filter provided by CaseMap or access your own saved filters.
Advanced Filter — Use the Advanced Filter pane to construct and save multi-level filters using operators to narrow results as well as edit and save complex filters.


Examples of filters include:

Key word (person or organization name, etc.)
Field status setting (Undisputed and/or Material relevance)
Multi-level filters (combining one or more criteria, even mixing key words with field status settings)


hmtoggle_plus1Access filter tools from three locations

The Filter menu is accessible from the Records menu:

Records menu > Filter > Filter shortcut menu


The Advanced Filter pane is accessible from both the above locations by selecting:

Records menu > Filter > Advanced Filter
View menu > Advanced Filter


The Advanced Filter pane allows you to create multi-level filters and tag records produced in the results.

For more information, see Performing advanced filters.

hmtoggle_plus1Use operators to narrow filter results

When performing multi-level instant filters or using the Advanced Filter pane, you will be working with operators to help define criteria for locating specific information.


Advanced Filtering uses two types of operators:

Boolean — Instant and Advanced Filter pane
Relational — Advanced Filter pane


Using the Combining Two Filters box, you can select whether to use the AND and OR operators. The Venn diagram in the dialog box updates to illustrate the impact your decision will have in gathering data. If you run a filter on a spreadsheet that has already been filtered, the dialog box asks you whether you want to ignore the previous filter or run the previous filter with an additional layer of criteria using the AND or OR operators.

You can edit the filter criterion of a combined filter in the Advanced Filter pane by right-clicking on the filter or clicking the Edit button, and then selecting new operator criteria.

Boolean Search Operators




AND contains both words

HawkinsP AND LangW

All documents with both the words: HawkinsP and LangW. A more stringent filter.

OR contains either word

HawkinsP OR LangW

All documents with either HawkinsP or LangW, or both. A less stringent filter.

Relational operators are easy to use with symbols or short abbreviations with each producing the same results. When performing a relational filter, you want to select the field first, then type the data value you are searching.

Relational Filter Format: field name + OPERATOR data value

Advanced Filter > Using relational operators


You can use both Boolean and Relational operators to create advanced filters by selecting a filtered Boolean search in the Advanced Filter pane and then further applying relational operators to isolate the results. To do this, open the Advanced Filter pane and select a filter in the Filter: (Active) listing. Next right-click and select the relational operator you want to apply.

Advanced Filter > Combining Boolean and Relational Operators


related_topics_buttonRelated Topics



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