Saving filters

CaseMap provides a listing of pre-built filters for each spreadsheet that are most commonly used to gather a subset of data at a moment's notice. You can also save your own filters to this listing for those you intend to run often or those you have built that are complex. Rerunning saved filters allows you to gather new information from specific angles and helps track information updates throughout the life of the case. Any filters you save are added to your personal My Saved Filters menu. Each set of filters is specific to each spreadsheet.


My Saved Searches > Facts spreadsheet        CM_filters_saved_issues_submenu


Saved filters can be accessed from three locations:

Records menu > Filter > My Saved Filters
View menu > Advanced Filter > Saved Filters pane
Advanced Filter pane > Saved Filters pane (located at the bottom of the pane)




We recommend that you print copies or make reports of filter criteria essential for tracking information regularly. This provides you and other case staff with a reference for these filters.



hmtoggle_plus1To save filters
1.In the Case Shortcuts pane, click on the icon for the spreadsheet you want to use.
2.Filter data in the spreadsheet or using the Advanced Filter pane.
3.Click the Save button CM_filter_save_filter_button on the Filter status bar or in the Advanced Filter pane.
4.In the Save Filter As dialog box, type in the name you want to identify this filter, then click OK.


The saved filter now displays on the My Saved Filters menu and in the Saved Filters pane of the Advanced Filters pane.

Saved Filters panel

hmtoggle_plus1To rerun saved filters
1.In the Case Shortcuts pane, click on the icon for the spreadsheet you want to use.
2.On the Records menu, click Filters and then click My Saved Filters.

You can also click on the Saved Filters bar in the Advanced Filters pane, and then click the Filter button CM_filter_button.

3.On the shortcut menu, click the filter you want to run.

Notice that the spreadsheet now contains only those records that meet the saved filter criteria.




If you are rerunning this filter a week later, you may find that the fact records in the results are more or less than when you first ran the initial filter due to updates or changes in case records.


hmtoggle_plus1To rename or delete saved filters

Renaming or deleting of saved filters is done in the Saved Filters pane in the Advanced Filters pane.

1.In the Saved Filters pane, right-click on the filter and click the Rename Filter button CM_rename_search_button.
2.In the Rename Filter dialog box, type in the new filter name, then click OK.
1.In the Saved Filters pane, right-click on the filter and click the Delete Filter button CM_delete_search_button.
2.In the message box to delete the filter, click Yes.
hmtoggle_plus1To cancel filters

A current or active filter can be canceled at any time so a new one can be applied.

To cancel a filter, click the Cancel button on the Filter status bar to immediately refresh all case records for the spreadsheet.

You can also right-click anywhere in the filtered record and then click Cancel Filter.



Rerunning a saved filter automatically cancels any current filters before running the new one.




related_topics_buttonRelated Topics



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