Changing the field sort order

Sorting the field order determines how records in a spreadsheet visually display. For example, when you create a new case the Facts spreadsheet defaults to a Date & Time sort order with facts listed in chronological order. When you want to look at your spreadsheet from a chronological or status type view, simply change the ascending/descending order of the field.


hmtoggle_plus1To change the field sort order
1.Open the spreadsheet you want to sort.
2.Right-click on the field column and select Sort Ascending or Sort Descending.


Sort Ascending displays data from A to Z, least to greatest.

Sort Descending displays data from Z to A, greatest to least.

Notice that when you change a field's sort order, an arrow displays in the column header pointing up or down to show the current order.

hmtoggle_plus1To sort facts by status type
1.In the Case Shortcuts pane, click on the Facts spreadsheet icon.

Notice that by default your facts are sorted in ascending order.

2.Right-click on the Status field header and select Sort Descending.

Notice that all your fact records now sort according to Undisputed, Prospective, Disputed by: Us. and Disputed by: Opposition, or other status types used by case staff.

Any facts that have not been given a status type automatically sort to the bottom of the spreadsheet.

3.To apply a status type to an unmarked fact, click in the Status cell for a record and then click the down arrow within it to select the type.

Status field sort options


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