About sorting

Sorting determines the order case elements display in a spreadsheet view, allowing you to review information in various ways to determine what items need to be addressed first or categorized based on the status of items. Sorting is distinct to each user ID and does not affect the view that others see for this spreadsheet.

You can also sort multiple fields to change your spreadsheet view. For example, you can sort the Questions spreadsheet first by persons to whom questions are assigned, and then by the date an answer is due. You must use the Advanced Sort dialog box to create a multi-level sort. For more information, see Sorting multiple fields.


You can sort spreadsheet data by:

Change a field's ascending or descending order
Change your spreadsheet view by inserting or hiding fields
Sorting multiple fields at a time (up to three fields)


Benefits of sorting spreadsheet fields include:

Creating/saving a spreadsheet view for printing reports
Viewing disputed vs. undisputed facts by date and time to analyze case strategy
Sorting the Questions spreadsheet before a trial date to evaluate outstanding issues
Sorting objects by type and then alphabetically to locate people, organizations, and documents easier
Plus many more



Sorting is independent of any filter or tag function. If you filter the facts displayed in the Facts spreadsheet from 2,000 to 100, the 100 facts that remain are still sorted as specified by the view's sort order.


hmtoggle_plus1Review sortable vs. non-sortable fields

While you can sort of most all fields in a spreadsheet, some fields in CaseMap (such as description fields) cannot be sorted. If you try to sort a field that cannot be sorted, you receive a message prompt indicating what fields on the spreadsheet are available for sorting.

Reference the following table to note what spreadsheet fields are sortable and which are not.

Sorting Fields



Date & Time

Fact Text

Check box



Description fields


Question Text


Linked Issues (Facts)


Linked Elements (Questions)


# (Number fields)

hmtoggle_plus1Sort to create custom views

Sort spreadsheets to create custom views that are distinct to your user ID. Once you sort a spreadsheet it is automatically saved in this view. Each time you open a case, the spreadsheet data display in this new view until you change the sort order again.

Not only can you save a sort order, you can also rearrange spreadsheet fields to display in the order you prefer. For more information, see Creating spreadsheet views.

hmtoggle_plus1Clear a sorted view to reset a spreadsheet

Once you sort a spreadsheet it is automatically saved in this view. Each time you open a case, the spreadsheet data display in this new view until you change the sort order again.


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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at: casemap.support@lexisnexis.com, or contact a support representative at 1-800-833-3346 (option 3). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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