Creating spreadsheet views

Once you have organized a spreadsheet view that works well for analyzing data, you may want to save it to reference later or print a report. Once you save a spreadsheet view, it displays in the Current View menu for your personal use and is saved by your user ID. Other users cannot view your customized spreadsheet view unless you create the view before users are added to the case.

Because CaseMap can turn all your spreadsheet views into reports, any changes you make to a view's layout are tantamount to redesigning a report. When you create new views, you are in effect creating new reports.



If you design specialized spreadsheet views that may be useful in other cases, export a copy of the case as a template. When you start a new case, import the template into the new case so you don't have to recreate any custom spreadsheet views.


hmtoggle_plus1To create a spreadsheet view
1.Select the spreadsheet you want to organize.
2.On the View menu, click Current View and then click Define Views.

Define Views dialog box

3.In the Define Views box, click the New View button New View button.
4.In the New View box, type in a name for this spreadsheet view, then click OK.
5.In the Hidden Fields box, double-click on fields to add them to the Visible Fields box for the new spreadsheet view.
6.Click on the Field Properties button to reference or modify field properties.
7.Click the Move Up or Move Down buttons Move Up and Move Down buttons to organize fields in the order you want them to display.
8.Click the Sort button Sort button if you want to sort field data for this spreadsheet view.
9.When you are finished, click Close to save the view.

The spreadsheet now displays the fields in the order you selected.

10.On the View menu, click Current View to verify that the new view is saved and selected on the menu.
hmtoggle_plus1To rename a spreadsheet view
1.On the View menu, click Current View and then click Define Views.
2.In the Define Views box, click on the view you want to rename in the View list.
3.Click the Rename View button CM_define_views_rename_button.
4.In the Rename View box, type in the new view name, then click OK.
5.Click Close to save the new view name.

The new view name automatically displays as an item on the Current View submenu.


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