Copying spreadsheet views

You can copy a previously saved view to use as a template for creating a new view or for printing a report.


Define Views dialog box


hmtoggle_plus1To copy a spreadsheet view
1.On the View menu, click Current View and then click Define Views.
2.In the Define Views box, click on the view you want to copy in the View list.
3.Click the Copy View button CM_define_views_copy_button.
4.In the Copy View box, type in a name for the new view, then click OK.
5.Organize the spreadsheet fields in the order you want to them to display.

Use the arrow buttons (<, >, >>) to add/remove fields from the Visible Fields and Hidden Fields boxes.

Use the Move Up, Move Down, or Set Sort order buttons CM_define_views_movesort_buttons to organize field display in the Visible Fields box.

6.Click Close to save the new view.

The new view automatically displays in the spreadsheet pane and is listed as an item on the Current View submenu.


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