Creating custom fields

CaseMap spreadsheets include numerous pre-built fields designed to capture all of the data you want to organize in many cases. However, you can create custom fields to capture specific information not addressed in default fields. The custom fields you create work just like the default fields in CaseMap. Custom fields display in spreadsheet views and detail dialog boxes, and can be used to filter and tag spreadsheet data. As with any field, custom fields print on reports as long as they are visible in spreadsheet views.

You can create multiple fields types, including check boxes, date fields, description fields, evaluation fields, fixed lists, open-ended lists, numeric fields, and text fields. There is no limit to the number of custom fields that can be created in a spreadsheet, however it should be controlled to only those specifically needed.

Creating custom fields is an exclusive process. All other users need to log out of the case while this process occurs. If you want other users to access a custom field, it is best to create the custom field in the case before users are added to it. Otherwise, users will need to insert the custom field in their own spreadsheet view.




We recommend that you do not rename or copy an existing field to create a custom field. We recommend that you create a custom field and ensure that you select the proper field type for it.



If you are using CaseMap Server and have a SQL case open, you may not have permissions granted for creating and deleting spreadsheet fields. If so, these features will be disabled or grayed out in the Select Field(s) to Insert dialog box.



If your industry requires that you use symbols as part of your data entry, you could create a custom field to accommodate that need. See Learn about inserting symbols.



hmtoggle_plus1To review the custom fields checklist

Reference the following Creating New Fields checklist to brainstorm considerations when designing a custom field.

Checklist: Creating New Fields




What is the field name?


What data goes into it?


If the field values are data entry: fixed list or open-ended list?


Does the field data need to link to other fields?


How many users need to access it?


Should the field data be searchable?


Should the field data print on reports?

hmtoggle_plus1To create custom fields
1.In the Case Shortcuts pane, click on the spreadsheet icon you want to use.
2.Click on the field header and then click Insert Fields.

The inserted field displays to the left of the selected field.

3.In the Select Field(s) to Insert box, click New.
4.In the New Field box, type in a name for the field in the Name field.

New Field box

5.In the Type list, click on the field type, then click OK.

The new field now displays in the Select Field(s) to Insert dialog box.

Select Field Insert box

6.Click OK to insert this field into the spreadsheet view.




You can also create new fields by clicking on a field header and selecting Field Properties. In the Field Properties dialog box, click the Add New Field button at the top right. Or, you can click on a field header and click Insert, then click the New button and select the field type you need.



Instead of creating custom fields in the All Objects spreadsheet, it's best to create the field in the specific object spreadsheet, like Persons. Remember to review spreadsheet fields and the Select Field(s) to Insert dialog box to ensure the field does not already exist.




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