Changing field values

You can still add or edit values for fields, except for CaseMap's fixed list fields.

Please make note of any record that contains a field value you want to remove. You may need to update the field property status with a new value to replace the one removed. If the field value you want to remove is already selected for one or more records, you must first remove it from each record in the case where it is found.


Field Properties dialog box > Status tab


hmtoggle_plus1To change a field's values
1.Click on the field header for the field you want to modify and then click Field Properties.
2.In the Field Properties box, click on the Status tab.
3.Edit the field values in the Values list by clicking the Add New Value CM_add_new_value_button or Delete Selected Value CM_delete_selected_value_button buttons.
4.If it is a description field, click Increase Field Size to change the maximum number of characters this field can hold.
5.Click Close to save your changes.


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