Deleting fields

If you need to remove a field that is no longer relevant, you can permanently delete it from a case. You can delete any fields you create for a case. You cannot delete the default set of fields that CaseMap provides for each case, but you can hide them from spreadsheet view. You also cannot delete field that are currently used in a filter or search.

If you want to save any data entered in the field, you may want to export it to a Microsoft® Excel file and save it for reference. Once a field is deleted, all data stored in it is destroyed.

If you are trying to delete a field in a master case that has an outstanding replica case that contains the same field, you will not be able to delete it. If the field was created in the master case after the replica was created, then you will be able to delete the field.



If you are using CaseMap Server and have a SQL case open, you may not have permissions granted for creating and deleting spreadsheet fields. If so, these features will be disabled or grayed out in the Select Field(s) to Insert dialog box.


hmtoggle_plus1To delete fields
1.Click on the field header for the field you want to delete and then click Field Properties.
2.In the Field listing, click on the field you want to delete and click the Delete Field button CM_delete_field_button.
3.In the message box, click Yes twice to confirm deleting the field.
4.In the message box indicating that the field was deleted, click OK.

This field is now deleted from the case and no longer displays in the spreadsheet view or any field listing.

5.Click Close to continue working in CaseMap.


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