About case tools

Case tools are utilities that perform functions that otherwise would have to be done individually, record by record. These CaseMap tools help make the process of case organization, analysis, and reporting easier because they are built into the program — including a number of batch processing utilities. Many of these tools include wizards that help guide you through process steps.



Previous case scripts are now merged into CaseMap as case tools.



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Reference the Case Tools table to learn about each case tool and find links to procedural topics.

Case Tools



Auto Number Records

This utility sequentially numbers the records in the current spreadsheet using a specified starting and increment number. You need to have a number (integer) or text field in the spreadsheet before you can use this feature.

For more information, see Auto-numbering records.

Bates Analyzer

This tool reviews the Bates - Begin and Bates - End field values to locate possible inconsistencies, duplications, and anomalies. This tool only works on the Documents spreadsheet.

For more information, see To run the Bates Analyzer.

Bulk Field Copy

This utility copies data from one field to another for all visible records in the current spreadsheet.

For more information, see Making global replacements.

Bulk Field Update

This utility updates a field with a specified value for all visible records in the current spreadsheet.

For more information, see Making global replacements.

Bulk Import PDFs

This utility allows you to populate the Documents spreadsheet with individual PDF files or to bulk import an entire folder of PDF files. The utility automatically fills in the Full Name and Short Name fields and establishes a link in CaseMap to the PDF source file stored in folders. This utility also connects to Adobe Acrobat and launches the Send Multiple PDFs to CaseMap wizard.

For more information, see Importing PDFs.

Bulk Issue Linker

This utility allows you to link all records in view in the Facts, Objects, Questions, or Research spreadsheets to one or more issues in the Issues spreadsheet, eliminating the need to make individual links for each case record.

For more information, see Using the Bulk Issue Linker.

Case Optimizer

This utility defragments your case file to remove unused disk space and increase speed.

For more information, see About optimizing case files.

Change Case Password

This tool allows you to change the password for local cases. SQL case passwords are set in the CaseMap Admin Console.

For more information, see Changing passwords.

Change Linked File Paths

This utility is used to update paths to files that are linked to the case to a new location on your computer or network. In order to use this tool, you need to have access the folder to where the files have been moved.

For more information, see Changing linked file paths.

Create Case Template Wizard

This wizard allows you to save a case as a template so you can streamline the case set-up process.

For more information, see Creating case templates.


The Customize dialog box allows you to change CaseMap toolbar, commands, and menu settings.

For more information, see Changing toolbar buttons and settings and Changing menu settings.

Customize Object Spreadsheets

This feature allows you to create custom sub-object spreadsheets.

For more information, see Creating custom spreadsheets.

Delete All Records in View

This utility deletes all records in the current spreadsheet view.

For more information, see Deleting all records in view.

Email to PDF Wizard

This wizard is part of the DocPreviewer premium feature set, which requires and additional subscription. This tool allows you to convert Microsoft® Outlook emails in one or more folders to Adobe® Acrobat PDF files. If you have DocManager, we encourage you to use the Send emails to CaseMap tool.

For more information, see Converting emails to PDFs and Send emails to CaseMap.

Facts Linked to Selected Objects

This utility displays a list of facts linked to objects in the current spreadsheet. You can select whether to include facts linked from the Fact Text field, the Source(s) field, or both. It does not look for links in any other field.

For more information, see Showing all facts linked to a set of objects.

Grid Font

This tool allows you to change the gridline and shade color when printing a spreadsheet.

For more information, see Changing spreadsheet elements.

Intake Interview Jumpstart

This template allows you to gather case information from a client and import it into a case.

For more information, see About the Intake Interview Form.

Linked File Index Status

This tool allows you to track your case index status for files that were successfully indexed and those the were not indexed.

For more information, see Viewing linked file index status.

Linked File OCR Status

This tool allows you to track your OCR processing status, including OCR files that succeeded, failed, those marked as Do Not OCR, and those that are still in the queue for processing.

For more information, see Viewing linked file OCR status.

Manage Case Staff

This feature allows you to add and delete case users.

For more information, see Adding users to cases.

Object Link Merger

This utility merges duplicate objects that have duplicate short name links in object spreadsheets. A wizard guides you through the steps of selecting one object and an object short name to keep, and then merges the duplicate object and object short name links to the first one.

For more information, see Merging short names.

OCR [Enabled]

This tool allows you to disable OCR processing. Disabling OCR processing ensures that CaseMap will no longer attempt to OCR images linked to the cases you open on your computer.

For more information, see Disabling OCR processing.


See Customizing case options.

Rebuild Case Index

This tool allows you to rebuild the case index if linked file content changes or index data becomes corrupted.

For more information, see Rebuilding the case index.

Short Name Assistant

This utility links all unlinked object Short Names mentioned in any of the description fields in the case.

For more information, see Using the Short Name Assistant.


This tool verifies the correct spelling of a word in a text and description fields (except object short  names).

For more information, see Using spelling tools.

Spelling and Auto-Correct Options

See Using spelling tools.

Update all Shepard's Signals now

This utility updates all Shepard's Signals in the Citation field for authority records.

For more information, see Using Shepard's Signals in CaseMap.




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