Importing PDFs

Bulk importing PDF files into CaseMap is a process that automatically attaches multiple PDF files to case records in the Documents spreadsheet. During the import process, CaseMap also brings in record data, including Bates begin/end numbers, the page count of the file, the date, and document name. Body content from PDF files is not imported. Short names are automatically created off the Full Name field entry you choose, whether it is a document file name or Bates number.

With the bulk import utility, you do not have to import or link to individual files because the Send PDFs to CaseMap tool bulk imports a folder of documents and sets the attachment links to object records for you. Once you have run the utility and imported documents from a network folder, you can still re-run it on the same folder. The import utility identifies previously imported files within the selected folder and selects only new PDFs for processing. You can also import an individual PDF file, if needed. You can access the Send PDFs to CaseMap utility from the Tools menu, by clicking Linked Files and then clicking Bulk Import PDFs.




Bulk importing PDFs does not work with Adobe Reader. You must have Adobe Acrobat v6.0+ (Standard or Professional) installed on the same computer as CaseMap in order to use the Bulk Import PDFs utility.



We recommend you use the Import Linked Files Wizard to import PDF files into CaseMap. For more information, see Importing linked files.



When documents are converted to Adobe Acrobat files for inclusion in a case, it is best to convert individual documents to individual PDF files to ensure that Bates numbers can be applied for tracking and that individual files can be attached to the associated fact or issue. Smaller PDF files also import faster into a case.


In the event that you want to renumber documents, we recommend that you keep a backup copy of all original PDF files that do not have any highlighting or Bates stamping applied to them.


hmtoggle_plus1To bulk import PDFs into a case
1.Verify that you have the relevant case open in CaseMap.
2.On the Tools menu, click Linked Files and then click Bulk Import PDFs to launch the import utility.
3.In the message box, click OK.

When Adobe Acrobat launches, the Send PDFs to CaseMap utility automatically opens.

4.In the Send PDFs to CaseMap Utility box, click Next.
a.In the Select the PDF files you want to send to CaseMap box, click Add Files to select the PDF document.
b.Select and click on the PDF you want to send to CaseMap.

The PDF is displayed in the Send PDFs to CaseMap Utility box.

c.Click Next.
d.Proceed to Step 8.
5.In the Select the PDF files you want to sent to CaseMap dialog box, click the Add Folder button to import all PDF files within a folder.



Click the Add Files button, if you want to import only a select group of PDF files.


6.In the Browse for Folder box, navigate to/select the folder storing the PDF source files you want to import, then click OK.
7.Review the selected PDF files in the utility for import, then click Next.

Import Wizard > Send PDFs to CaseMap box

If you need to delete a file(s) from the listing simply select it and click the Remove File or Remove All buttons.

If you need to review the file contents before the import, select it and click the View PDF button.

8.In the Confirm CaseMap case and spreadsheet box, review the case you are importing the file(s) into, select the correct spreadsheet from the drop-down listing, and then click Next.

The default option is the Objects Documents spreadsheet.

9.In the Choose Document field mappings box, select the CaseMap spreadsheet fields you want to map with the file's PDF values.

Import Wizard > Choose Document field mappings box

10.Optional: Select the Set Object Short Name to PDF Bates Begin # check box.
11.Optional: Select the Overwrite existing destination CaseMap field values with PDF values check box, then click Next.
12.In the Review and begin sending to CaseMap box, read the summary of your PDF import, then click Finish.
13.In the message box, verify the import status and click OK.
14.Return to the Documents spreadsheet and review the new records you just imported.

Notice that the records you bulk imported now have a paperclip icon to the far left of the record, indicating that the attachment link to the source file is set.

15.Click on a Paperclip icon for one of the documents records to view the linked file from within CaseMap.
16.Scroll to the far right of the Documents spreadsheet and notice that the Linked File fields for these records include the folder path where the source files are located.

You can now analyze the records and organize them by type and status.



Remember to run the Short Name Assistant utility after performing a bulk import to ensure that links were created for new objects in description fields for this import. For more information, see the Using the Short Name Assistant help topic.


hmtoggle_plus1To import an individual PDF file

You can import a singe PDF document into a case as opposed to bulk importing a set of files. Follow the steps above To bulk import PDFs into a case. When you reach Step 4, click the Add Files button to select the PDF document. Then complete the remaining steps in the procedure to import the file into the Documents spreadsheet. When you are finished the PDF source file will be added to the Documents spreadsheet as an object record. A link to the source file stored in a network directory is also automatically created so you can view the document within CaseMap.

hmtoggle_plus1To import an updated PDF file

If you need to update a PDF document in CaseMap with new version of the PDF file, simply open the updated source file and resend it to the case.

1.In the applicable spreadsheet, highlight the case record you want to update.
2.In the Acrobat source file, click the CaseMap DocPreviewer button and then click Advanced > Send Fact to CaseMap - Update.
3.In the message box, click No to delete the existing link.

If you click Yes, CaseMap retains the existing link and adds a new document record that links to the updated PDF file.

4.In the next message box, click Yes to confirm that you want to update the document record link to the updated PDF file.
5.In the Add New CaseMap Object dialog box, select Document in the Object Type field.
6.Click Save to update the document link to the new PDF file.
7.In the message box, click Yes to link to the same document object record with the same short name.
8.In the next message box, click Yes to view the document record in CaseMap.
9.In the Documents spreadsheet, verify that the link is now updated to new PDF file for this record.
hmtoggle_plus1To edit a linked PDF document

You can edit a linked PDF file from within Acrobat to set field status or link to case issues for the document record in CaseMap. You must have the relevant case open in CaseMap for this process to work.

1.In the Acrobat source file, click the Edit CaseMap Document button on the CaseMap DocPreviewer toolbar.
2.In the Send to CaseMap - Edit Document dialog box, set additional field status for this record or click on the Issue Linker bar to link to case issues.
3.When you are finished, click OK to save your changes.



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