Reviewing PDFs

The Review PDFs feature allows you to review linked PDF files in a case spreadsheet in Adobe® Acrobat or Adobe® Reader — without having to flip back and forth between the PDF file and CaseMap.

The Review PDFs feature is available as part of CaseMap's DocPreviewer feature set. You must have Adobe® Acrobat v6.0+ (Standard or Professional) or Adobe® Reader v6.0+ installed on the same computer as CaseMap to use this tool.




If you are not using a document management system (like Concordance) or other image viewer application, use Adobe Acrobat's tools to mark text or insert comments in your document files that you need to reference later.



CaseMap's DocManager add-in program allows you to review and annotate PDF files. See About DocManager.



hmtoggle_plus1To review PDF files
1.Launch Adobe Acrobat.
2.Click the CaseMap DocPreviewer button, click Review PDFs.
3.On the submenu, click Start Reviewing PDFs.

If you already have a PDF document open for review, click the Start Reviewing PDFs button CM_review_PDFs_start_button on the CaseMap DocPreviewer toolbar.

4.In the DocPreviewer PDF Review Wizard, click Next.
5.In the Review Starting Point dialog box, select which PDF file in which you want to start the review, then click Next.

Review PDFs wizard > Review Starting Point dialog box

If you choose Select a different PDF, then click on the spreadsheet where the file is linked. You can review linked files on any object spreadsheet or the Research - Authorities spreadsheet.

If you have already reviewed PDF files in your current CaseMap work session, the default selection is the Last reviewed PDF.

6.In the Review Order dialog box, select the first PDF file you want to start the review, then click Finish.

Review PDFs > Review Order dialog box

The PDF file now displays in Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader.

7.In the PDF file, click on the navigation buttons CM_review_PDFs_nextprev_buttons to page through previous or next linked PDF files in the spreadsheet.
8.Click the End Review button CM_review_PDFs_end_button when you are finished.



During your review, if you find a text excerpt that should be included as a fact records in the Facts spreadsheet, highlight the text and click the Send Fact to CaseMap button CM_review_PDFs_sendfact_button to open the Send to CaseMap utility.



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Need additional help? Email the CaseMap Support team at:, or contact a support representative at 1-800-833-3346 (option 3). The CaseMap Support team is available between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Eastern Time, Monday - Friday.

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